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The Impact of Solar Activity on Earth: Exploring the Sun’s Flares and Eruptions


Activity Sun is on the rise in recent years. One of them was when on March 28 2023, the Sun emitted a very strong flare. How does it impact Earth?

The increase in solar activity is caused by the most active phase in the Sun’s 11-year cycle which will reach its peak activity in 2024.

A lick of fire The powerful burst it released on March 28, 2023, reached its peak at 22:33 ET. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, which observes the Sun, captured images of the event.

Lick the fire of the Sun is a very powerful burst of energy. On Earth, solar flares and eruptions can have an impact on cutting off radio communications, electrical power networks, navigation signals, and pose a risk to spacecraft and astronauts.

This beacon is classified as an X1.2 beacon. Class X shows the most intense flare, and the numbers that follow behind it indicate its strength.

NASA and various space agencies observe the Sun and the space environment with fleets of spacecraft. They study everything from solar activity to the Sun’s atmosphere, to particles and magnetic fields in space around Earth.

That is also why, apart from missions to explore the Moon, countries with advanced space technology are also racing to the Sun to study the behavior of the main star that lights up our Solar System.

Watch the video “The First Portrait Captured by China’s Solar Exploration Satellite”


2023-09-10 22:45:00
#Sun #Erupts #Powerful #Lick #Fire #Affecting #Earth

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