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The Impact of Social Roles on Influence in Business and Politics: Insights from Alexei Petrov’s Biography

You cannot be an influential businessman, an influential politician, an authoritative expert at the same time. The biography of Alexei Petrov is an example in this regard. Constitutionalist Borislav Tsekov made a comment on the subject on his Facebook wall.

Here is what he writes:

There are people who cannot understand basic rules in the functioning of a society. These rules are especially clear in small societies with “narrow” and overcrowded social (public) space, such as the Bulgarian one. In large-scale arenas such as the US, these rules also apply, but there may simply be more exceptions to them than elsewhere.

When you want to stand out and exert influence in society, it is very important to choose and understand correctly the social role in which you are positioned or in which you want to position yourself. Then to focus on it, and not try to “weave on many looms” at the same time. This does not mean having only one social role, field, occupation, but to be aware that you have one main one, or to realize that for certain reasons (life, biographical, valuable, objectively unchangeable, etc.) a certain social role it is imputed to you and there is no way to get out of it.

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This applies especially to the two key areas – economics and politics. You can’t be at the same time, I emphasize – at the same time! – influential businessman, influential politician, authoritative expert/analyst/, journalist/publisher and important manager. It’s not that you can’t combine all this – a matter of capacity and ambition – but society will not accept you and recognize you in all your social roles, and in the end it often comes to – “from many chairs to the ground”. It doesn’t happen at the same time. You are either a businessman or a politician. Either an independent expert or a party functionary. Either you are an ideologue and analyst, or you are a public servant. Either you’re a showman or you’re a party leader – if you’re both, one of them inevitably stagnates and you fail (Slavi Tr., Bepe Grillo). And so on.

You can consistently change such social roles, but this is an art and requires a lot of patience and consistent effort. It requires you to reinvent yourself. In general, folk wisdom is known and not accidental: the stone weighs in its place. You have to choose or find out where you weigh or want to weigh. The case of the rapper Toto is one of the possible illustrations of what has been said so far – instead of focusing on his place, which is in the entertainment genre, he decides that because he is famous among teenagers, this is enough to enter other levels of publicity – to comment and interview about politics, aggression against Ukraine, etc. Without being prepared for all this at all.

The biography of Alexey Petrov (God forgive him!) is another example, but for an even greater confusion and misunderstanding of social roles – from power groups, then big business, then special services, then employer organization, media, unhidden (recently) political ambitions, etc. But also for one more thing – that the influence, resources and opportunities generated in the shadowy and semi-shadowy areas of life in the 90s cannot (and is not allowed by the deep-seated powers) to be transformed into public political and management roles. Except in isolated cases, when the “release” is the result of a consensus of the decisive internal and external factors and of a new public image of the “released” carefully built by them.
Well, about social roles, my story was…

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2023-08-17 20:36:30
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