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The Impact of Paid Parking on Beach Businesses in Anglet: Loss of Customers and Potential Consequences

A half-empty terrace. Every lunchtime, Franck Oteiza, manager of Café Bleu, is sorry for this immutable image. Since the introduction of paid parking along the beaches of Anglet on July 1, the restaurateur of the Chambre d’Amour says he has lost half of his lunch service customers.

Until October 31, the 3,000 places on the coast…

A half-empty terrace. Every lunchtime, Franck Oteiza, manager of Café Bleu, is sorry for this immutable image. Since the introduction of paid parking along the beaches of Anglet on July 1, the restaurateur of the Chambre d’Amour says he has lost half of his lunch service customers.

Until October 31, the 3,000 spaces on the Angloy coast are chargeable from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., weekends and public holidays included. The Chambre d’Amour district is in the red zone. The price increases by 40 cents per quarter of an hour to 35 euros for more than 3 h 20.

“Before, it was full at noon”

Relentless result for Franck Oteiza: “People who work in Bayonne, such as bankers, insurers, and who used to come to lunch, no longer do so. Before, it was full at noon. He asks for free between noon and 3 p.m.

Same observation at the newsstand. Nathalie Dages, the manager, would like a passage in the yellow zone, where the prices are lower. She notices the absence of some regulars: “There were retirees who walked with friends. They don’t come anymore. She made the decision to close in mid-September, instead of the end of October. “Paid parking could lead to the death of certain businesses, such as those who have just bought and who have credits on their backs,” she says.

“Paid parking may be the cause of the drop in attendance in July, but there are other factors such as weather, physalies and, of course, purchasing power”

Tourists bend to measure. In front of one of the parking meters, Husseb, who came from the north of France, fulminates: “It’s shit in real life, they’re bugging us. The holidaymaker has just paid €1.20 for 45 minutes of parking. He would not have had it for less in Biarritz or Bidart.

Inflation, weather, jellyfish

Some turn to other beaches, such as those of Tarnos. “It is dispatched, they are boycotting Anglet”, says Jean-Pierre Hété, manager of the Vent d’Ouest Café. Leaning on one of the tables in his establishment, a beer in hand, he puts it into perspective: “Paid parking may be the cause of the drop in attendance in July, but there are other factors such as the weather, physalies and, of course, purchasing power. »

The first three weeks of July were difficult for his restaurant, which was struggling to fill up. Since the Bayonne Festival, activity has restarted. Apart from the rainy days, August is like any other year. “We cross our fingers to stay in this dynamic. »

Especially since he can count on loyal customers. After registering their number plates, Angloys can park for free. In the red zone, after 3:20 a.m., they too must put their hands in their pockets. No problem for Alain, resident of Anglet for fifty years: “I always stay less than three hours. »

He notices fewer buffer cars than before. Some parked their cars in the beach parking lot for the day. “It’s much more ventilated. Tourists complain, but with the sucker cars, they would find even less space in parking lots. »

#Anglet #mixed #summer #results #traders #Chambre #dAmour

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