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The Impact of Obesity on Vitamin D Levels: New Findings Revealed by Professor Alla Shepelkevich

Previously, it was believed that this element simply accumulates in adipose tissue, but it has now become known that this is not so.

Photo: Daoudi Aissa / Unsplash.com

On the relationship between obesity and the amount of vitamin D in the body told
Professor of the Department of Endocrinology of the Belarusian State Medical University Alla Shepelkevich “Medical Bulletin”.

It turned out that with excess weight, the vitamin is absorbed worse and even ceases to be useful.

According to Shepelkevich, it has been proven that an increase in body mass index by 1 kg/m2 is associated with a decrease in vitamin D by more than 1%.

“One of the main risk factors for vitamin D deficiency is a body mass index above 30. Age (over 60 years), the presence of chronic diseases (for example, osteoporosis), and use of corticosteroids and anticonvulsants are also taken into account,” the specialist clarifies.

The problem is adipose tissue

Previously, scientists believed that the “solar” element simply accumulates in adipose tissue and is used by the body when it needs it. But, as Alla Shepelkevich notes, today it has been established that this is not the case.

“Moreover, adipose tissue itself has a very powerful effect on the metabolism of vitamin D, which means there is a risk of its reduction,” the professor emphasizes.

We come to the conclusion that the more adipose tissue, the worse vitamin D is absorbed, the less it is available for other processes in the body. At the same time, the lack of this element can provoke the accumulation of fat. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

What does vitamin D deficiency lead to?

Also, a lack of this vitamin becomes a risk factor for loss of bone strength, numerous metabolic disorders, which leads to heart disease and cancer, diabetes, cognitive problems and infections.

Previously, Alla Shepelkevich said that vitamin D is in a special place. It can be said that the work of more than 30 organs and systems of the body depends on it. Yes, it is also responsible for a person’s figure and appearance; it is needed by the skin, hair, and nails.

The surest way to determine whether you have a vitamin D deficiency is to have your blood taken from a vein tested. Until its level is determined in the laboratory, no treatment can be prescribed, the expert emphasizes.

Where, other than sunlight and drugs from the pharmacy, can the body get vitamin D?

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2024-02-11 14:56:13

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