Home » Entertainment » The Impact of Music on Newborn Babies: Myth or Reality?

The Impact of Music on Newborn Babies: Myth or Reality?

Can melodies also have a positive impact on the newborn baby? “We know that babies can already hear during the last weeks of pregnancy,” explains the Leuven gynecologist. “That is one of the reasons why we immediately place the baby – if it is healthy – on the mother’s stomach after birth.” In addition to creating a feeling of connection, the mother’s familiar heartbeat will also soothe the child.

“We sometimes hear that people who were renovating at home during pregnancy have a baby that completely relaxes to the sound of a drill.” For the newborn, it does not have to be purely about quiet sounds. “Although I wouldn’t recommend hard techno now either.”

Whether there is a connection between music and the health or character of the baby is still very unclear and questionable. “Conducting and correctly interpreting research in this area is an enormous challenge,” says the gynecologist at UZ Leuven.

“For example, if a child later walks through life without a care in the world, this probably has more to do with his genetic predisposition than the peaceful music that blared through the speakers during birth.”

2024-04-03 19:19:00

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