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The Impact of Mikrotransakce in Single Player Games: Lessons from Capcom and CD Projekt Red

The Future of Microtransactions in Single-Player Games: A New Approach

In a⁤ recent interview, Piotr Nielubowicz, the ​financial director of CD Projekt⁤ Red, made it clear that microtransactions will not be making their way into their single-player games anytime soon. However, he did leave the door open for the possibility of incorporating them into multiplayer titles ⁤in the future.

“We ⁢do not⁢ see a⁤ place for microtransactions in single-player games, but⁢ we do not rule out the possibility of using this solution in the future for multiplayer projects,” Nielubowicz ⁢stated in response‌ to a reader’s question on Stockwatch.pl.

Exploring New Horizons

While CD Projekt‌ Red continues to work on‍ the remake of the first Witcher game, ​codenamed Polaris, they‌ are also looking towards the future⁤ with ambitious new projects. The upcoming Witcher trilogy, set to begin in 2026 and conclude ​in⁢ 2032, will run on Unreal ‍Engine⁣ 5.

Under the codename Sirius, a new ⁣Witcher game is in development, ‍aiming‌ to appeal to ​a broader audience by offering a blend of single-player‍ and multiplayer gameplay. Project Orion will continue⁤ the story of Cyberpunk ​2077, while ​Project⁢ Hadar introduces a completely new IP.

Redefining Player Experience

As the gaming industry evolves, CD ‍Projekt Red‌ is committed to delivering innovative⁣ and engaging experiences for players. By exploring new ways to integrate multiplayer elements into⁣ their games while maintaining a focus ​on ⁢storytelling and immersive gameplay, they aim to‍ push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of gaming.

With a clear stance on microtransactions in single-player games and a vision for the future ‍that ⁤embraces both tradition and innovation, CD Projekt Red is poised to continue shaping the landscape of gaming for years to come.

“For ​microtransactions⁣ in single-player games, we do not see a place, but we do not rule out that this solution ‍will be used in the ‍future for multiplayer projects.”

As CD Projekt Red embarks on this new chapter, fans can look ⁢forward to a future filled with exciting adventures, rich storytelling, and groundbreaking gameplay experiences.

iká ⁣také nový sci-fi RPG ‌od CD Projekt Red,​ který by měl být otevřený⁣ svět s ⁣prvky akce a dobrodružství. Tento projekt je však zatím⁢ ve ⁤velmi rané fázi vývoje a není jasné, kdy by mohl být oficiálně oznámen.

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