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The Impact of Low-Carbohydrate Diets on the Body: Pros, Cons, and Warning Signs

There will probably be several reasons why someone (temporarily) cuts down with carbohydratesbut whether you also do your body such a favor?

Minimal amount of carbohydrates

Lots of vegetables and meat, little pasta and bread: that’s how you can roughly describe a low-carbohydrate diet. You get your energy from a low-carbohydrate diet fats and proteins. On an average low-carbohydrate diet, people eat between 50 and 130 grams of carbohydrates per day. If you do not stick to a low-carbohydrate diet, an average of 250 grams of carbohydrates (for a woman) and 350 (for a man) per day is common. The Health Council advises to get 40 percent of your energy from carbohydrates.

Pros and cons

There are strict diets, such as the keto diet where you consume 50 grams of carbohydrates per day. This can help you lose weight or improve your blood sugar or hormone levels. For example, a low-carbohydrate diet can be very useful for someone with type 2 diabetes. Still, there is a chance that you will go through a low-carbohydrate diet too little dietary fiber ingests. This increases the risk of deficiencies of important substances such as vitamin B and iodine.

Do you recognize the symptoms below? Then there is a good chance that you are not getting enough carbohydrates.

1. Cold

Do you often have a cold? And no, we are not talking about the corona virus. A persistent ‘common’ cold can indicate low resistance. If you consume less carbohydrates for a long time, this can have an effect on the production of antibodies. This makes you much more susceptible to viruses.

2. Frequent headaches

To get energy, your body burns fat. Ketones are released during this process, especially if you also exercise a lot during a low-carbohydrate diet. Ketones are molecules that you pee out after exercise or exercise. This can then cause dehydration, which can lead to headaches. Have you been experiencing a lot of headaches lately? Then this may be due to your low carbohydrate intake. Make sure you drink enough water, so you prevent dehydration – and therefore that annoying headache.

3. Extreme fatigue

You ran an errand, cleaned the house and walked up and down the stairs twice. Final score: you are broken. Do you notice that minimal effort suddenly makes you extremely tired? Then this may indicate a lack of energy, because you do not consume enough carbohydrates. One way to solve this is actually very simple. Eat more carbs when you know you’re going to exercise.

Source: Cooking Fans | Image: Adobe Stock

2023-07-15 13:30:32
#Signs #carbohydrate #intake #side

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