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The Impact of Loneliness on Health: Depression, Anxiety, and More

​Loneliness can lead to depression, anxiety, decreased immunity, increased risk of cardiovascular disease and even premature death.

World Health Organization (WHO) announced loneliness is a global health problem and has created a special international commission to solve this problem.

Research shows that prolonged loneliness can have a negative impact on people’s health. This impact can span various aspects of physical and mental health.

Here are some key points related to the impact of loneliness on health:

Mental health

Depression and anxiety. Loneliness may be associated with an increased risk of developing depression and anxiety disorders.

Stress. Loneliness can increase stress levels, especially if a person feels socially isolated.

Physical health:

Stress level. Prolonged loneliness can affect the levels of stress hormones in the body, which can have negative effects on the cardiovascular system.

Immunity. Loneliness can be associated with a weakened immune system, making a person more vulnerable to infections and disease.

Behavioral aspects:

Lack of motivation to take care of yourself. Loneliness can lead to a lack of motivation to take care of one’s physical and mental well-being, as a person may lose interest in a healthy lifestyle.

Increased risk of addiction. Loneliness may be associated with an increased risk of developing addictions such as drinking alcohol or using drugs.

Sleep quality:

Insomnia. Loneliness can affect the quality of your sleep, causing insomnia and other sleep disorders.

The WHO says that the health risk from loneliness is no less than from smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Moreover, it is even greater than from obesity and insufficient physical activity.

As previously reported, body odor – this is not only the result of sweating, but also a reflection of internal processes in the body. Some body odors may be symptoms of diseases that require attention and treatment.

Doctors also warn against using ice water and explain how to use it to your advantage.

Author: Anastasia Yugova

2023-11-18 15:55:07
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