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The Impact of Covid-19 on the Brain, Does it Have a Relationship with Memory? Read the explanation

LAMPUNGTENGAH.COM – At the start of the pandemic, one of the most common reports of those infected Covid-19 is the loss of the senses of taste and smell.

Surprisingly, the area brain found by British researchers exposed Covid-19 they are all related to the olfactory bulb, a structure near the front brain which transmits signals about odors from the nose to the brain other.

Apart from the effects of Covid-19the sense of smell is also important for Alzheimer’s research, as some data suggest that those at risk of developing the disease have a reduced sense of smell.

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Although it is too early to draw conclusions about impact long term of related effects Covid-19 on the sense of smell, investigating the possible relationship between changes in brain related Covid-19 and memory is particularly interesting given the areas involved and their importance in memory and Alzheimer’s disease.

Covid-19 can help understand aging, these new findings raise important unanswered questions: What does change mean? brain this is after Covid-19 for the aging process and rate? Also, is brain recover from viral infections over time, and to what extent?

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This is an active and open research area that we are starting to work on in my laboratory along with our ongoing work investigating aging brain.

Our work shows that as we age, brain think and process information differently.

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