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The Impact of Cheese Consumption on Health: Expert Recommendations and Food Combinations to Avoid

While cheese has some important nutrients, it is important to say that no one can serve cheese exclusively. In addition to protein and calcium, it contains, draws the expert’s attention, saturated fat and sodium (salt). So it can have a negative impact on the body.

Avoid eating cheese in these combinations

In other words, the way in which it is consumed is also important. “For example, cheese is often added to dishes that already contain a large amount of saturated fat, such as pepperoni pizza or burgers. Adding other saturated fats and sodium to these dishes does not bring any additional health benefits,” observes Alex Caspero.

The specialist warns that if you eat cheese alongside foods like refined grains and processed meats, you will practically cancel out any other health benefits. Still, adds Caspero, cheese can be said to be a healthy choice if eaten instead of red and processed meat.

Daily consumption of cheese has a neutral impact

If you are one of those who love to eat cheese every day, Caspero appreciates that it is neutral from a health point of view. It will have both a negative and a positive impact. It will be evaluated only according to the food context, adds the nutritionist.

“Saturated fats should represent less than 10% of total daily calories. If the diet is already rich in saturated fat, adding cheese has a negative impact on health, especially at the cardiovascular level. If a diet is high in vegetables and raw vegetables, it is low in saturated fat. Then the addition of modest amounts of cheese will be neutral or slightly positive due to the addition of calcium.”

Cheese is not fattening, but with one condition

If you want to lose weight and wonder if eating cheese can sabotage your goal, experts give us good news. You won’t gain weight as long as you maintain a calorie deficit, points out Alex Caspero. This is true of any food. But Alexis Newman believes that adding a serving of cheese as part of a healthy snack (such as in combination with fruit) can help you lose weight. The reason is that cheese is healthy and can prevent overeating later.

In the long term, cheese helps prevent osteoporosis

In terms of long-term health, Newman points out that eating cheese daily can help prevent osteoporosis, thanks to its high bone-healthy calcium content.

If you want to protect yourself against cardiovascular disease through your food choices, it’s important to pay attention to the saturated fat content. If this is too high, the risk will increase, warns Caspero. “Long-term meals high in saturated fat are associated with increased levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood. They increase the risk of heart disease and heart attack”, adds the expert.

How cheese can be included in a healthy diet

“Consider the diet as a whole first. Try to reduce foods high in saturated fat. Try replacing them with unsaturated, high-fiber alternatives. From this point, a moderate amount of cheese in a low-processed grain, high-fiber diet can be healthy,” Caspero concludes.

In the nutritionist’s view, it would be good to look at cheese as a condiment. It doesn’t have to be the main attraction of a lunch or snack.

There are some foods (such as most vegetables) that you can eat as much as you want. Without worrying that it could have a negative influence on your health. But cheese is the kind of food you have to be a little careful about. It can be included in a healthy diet as long as you consume it in moderation. Preferably in combination with a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods.

So, you can have a long-term love affair with cheese if you pay attention to its various contexts.

2023-11-30 05:50:10
#body #eat #cheese #day #conclusions #specialists #reach

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