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The Impact of Anxiety in Older Adults: Why Screening and Treatment are Crucial

Anxiety in Older Adults: Identifying the Hidden Battle

By [Your Name], Senior Editor

An Underdiagnosed Condition Affecting 20% of Older Adults

LOS ANGELES (KABC) — Anxiety is a serious mental health condition that can have a significant impact on people’s quality of life. In fact, severe anxiety can be debilitating and has been found to impact up to 20% of people over 65. Unfortunately, anxiety in older adults is often mistaken as a normal part of aging, leading to underdiagnosis and undertreatment.

The Deceptive Symptoms of Anxiety in the Golden Years

Many older adults grappling with anxiety find it challenging to distinguish the symptoms from regular signs of aging. Christy Hart, a 69-year-old battling with anxiety and depression, sheds light on the issue, stating, “It’s hard to get older. You just dig yourself deeper and deeper.” To complicate matters further, the most prevalent form of anxiety, known as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), often goes undiagnosed.

The Far-Reaching Consequences of Untreated Anxiety

Anxiety not only has a significant impact on mental well-being, but it can also lead to various physical health complications in seniors. Studies have revealed that anxiety in older adults increases the risk of stroke, heart failure, coronary artery disease, autoimmune disease, and even dementia. Shockingly, despite these severe consequences, anxiety screening for seniors has not been implemented as a routine practice.

Addressing the Screening Gap: Screen, Assess, Treat

Calling attention to a critical issue, geriatric psychiatrist Eric Lenze emphasizes the lack of anxiety screening for those over 65. He argues, “The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended screening for anxiety disorders, but not in older adults.” Notably, a study in JAMA Psychiatry found that only one-third of seniors with anxiety receive treatment, highlighting the urgent need for improved screening measures in this age group. Lenze proposes that yearly screening, conducted by primary care physicians, should be integrated into the care routine of seniors.

The Power of a Few Simple Questions

Identifying anxiety in seniors can be facilitated by a few straightforward questions. Lenze suggests asking, “Do you have recurrent worries that are hard to control? Are you having trouble sleeping? Are you having trouble with concentration or thinking?” These simple inquiries can be the catalyst for early intervention and enable seniors to receive the support they need to combat anxiety effectively.

From Isolation to Liberation: Treatments That Transform Lives

Transformative treatment options, such as medication and therapy, play a pivotal role in alleviating anxiety symptoms and reinstating a fulfilling life for older adults. Chrissy Hart testifies to the power of these treatments, expressing, “I want to play with the dogs. I want to go for a walk.” It’s important for seniors and their loved ones to recognize that anxiety, although unfortunately common with aging, should not be considered a normal part of the aging process when it severely interferes with one’s quality of life.

The Importance of Seeking Help: Early Action Makes a Difference

If you suspect that you or a loved one may be experiencing anxiety that disrupts daily life, do not hesitate to reach out to a healthcare professional or mental health expert. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can significantly improve outcomes and enable older adults to regain control over their mental well-being.

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