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The Impact of a Great Teacher: How One Teacher Transformed My School Life

IMPORTANT: I ​​was chosen last in the gym. Then I got a new teacher, writes Regine Folkman Rossnes. Photo: Private

The difference a good teacher can make is very big. It is often about an adult seeing you when you need it most.


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This is a chronicle. The chronicle expresses the writer’s attitude. You can submit chronicles and debate posts to debatt@vg.no.


Today is International Teachers’ Day.

So let me tell you about something that changed my school life, which I am still inspired by. Namely a teacher.

Because apart from grades, what else do you want to be left with from school?

Primary school was not a good experience for me. Especially not physical education.

Have you had a teacher who meant a lot to you?

I can still get stressed out by the sound of someone playing racquetball. I remember the nauseating smell of old foam mats, and the time I threw up in the sink after an hour.

It was the only time I was praised for something I did.

The teacher said she was proud of me. For me, it didn’t feel worth it at all. Pushing your body so much that you became ill. I didn’t tell her against it. It didn’t take much to get the order and behavior right.

I was one of those who was chosen last when the others got to choose who they wanted on the team.

Then I started high school, and had a physical education teacher during the three years I went there. One who saw me.

Regine in her youth, here as a Russian. Photo: Private

I was allowed to train alone in the strength room when the others were playing football. He made sure to have a varied timetable, and showed how many different ways it is possible to train..

Thanks to him, I was motivated to lead a gym class in the form of exercises with laivsverd (foam sword). Which was a hit in both my class and with the teacher.

As an adult, I have continued to be inspired by him.

When I went to folk college, I helped to refurbish the training room. I have also been involved in the activity group for Skeiv Ungdom Oslo and Viken.

There was a desire to get more offers in physical activity. Like me, there were several people who had a bad relationship with physical education when I was active in the organisation.

That’s why I helped organize alternative forms of physical activity. Such as dog sledding, bowling and a trip to the climbing park. Again – inspired by my high school teacher.

The school term is underway, and many are hopefully enjoying their autumn holidays now.

I hope more people are lucky and get at least one teacher who is like my PE teacher from high school.


Published: 05.10.23 at 11:16 a.m

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2023-10-05 09:16:17

#Debate #chosen #gym #teacher

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