Home » today » News » The immunologist listed the alarming symptoms after vaccination against COVID-19 – RT in Russian

The immunologist listed the alarming symptoms after vaccination against COVID-19 – RT in Russian

Those taking part in a coronavirus vaccine trial may be alert for several symptoms. They were listed in an interview with Radio Sputnik, doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the vaccine prevention laboratory of the Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums named after I.I. Mechnikov RAMS Mikhail Kostinov.

“What symptoms can be considered alarming and dangerous?” There is a local reaction, as well as systemic reactions that display temperature levels, ”- said he.

According to him, a temperature of up to 37.5 degrees is considered a mild reaction, up to 38.5 – a normal average, above 38.6 – a strong one.

As the specialist emphasized, “strong reactions should be minimal” to any drug.

“One in a thousand, per 100 thousand – depending on the drug. When an injection is administered, there may be redness at the injection site, but the diameter of the redness, and most importantly, the seal, should not be more than 8 cm, ”he explained.

Kostinov noted that the temperature, the local reaction should not last more than two days.

Currently, Russia is testing a vaccine created by the Gamaleya Research Center and the Ministry of Defense.

Representatives of two groups of volunteers participating in the trial, previously talked about their well-being.

As stated at Sechenovskiy University, some volunteers in the institution in the early hours temperature increase was observed and headache, which “were stopped on their own” during the day.

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