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The immunologist explained why men are harder than women to carry coronavirus

Allergist immunologist Vladimir Bolibok said that due to the influence of sex hormones on the functioning of the immune system men are harder to tolerate coronavirus… At the same time, estrogens – female sex hormones – facilitate the penetration of protective proteins into cells, the specialist emphasized.

According to Bolibok, even a minimal level of immune response with the production of antibodies leads to the fact that in women these antibodies penetrate the cell more easily and faster, which leads to the intracellular destruction of viruses. RIA Novosti.

Unfortunately, testosterone does not have this property. Besides, in men, manifestations of atherosclerosis are more pronounced, which affects more frequent and more extensive than in women, thrombosis against the background of coronavirus infection.

But women are much more likely than men to be susceptible to autoimmune diseases – diseases in which the body’s tissues are destroyed by their own immune system.

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