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The imitation of Fernando Simón in ‘El Hormiguero’: “You are the one with the jokes” | Television on Cadena SER

Fernando Simón has been one of the great protagonists of ‘El Hormiguero’ during pandemic months. Despite being an entertainment space, Pablo Motos has dedicated many minutes of his program to criticizing the government’s management and especially the Director of the Health Alerts and Emergencies Coordination Center of the Ministry of Health.

This Monday, ‘El Hormiguero’ again had Simón as the protagonist, although this time he did it in a special way. And is that Carlos Latre, a regular contributor to the format, burst onto the set characterized by the expert.

“You’re the one with the jokes, right? You said it looked like I looked like I had slept in a car … I was amused“Latre said, to which Motos replied:” I’m glad it wasn’t very celebrated. “

“I want to thank everyone who has sent me messages of affection from here, even They have told me if I’m going to do the Chimes with Cristina Pedroche. I said no because of the grapes, “joked the humorist.

Carlos Latre’s imitation of Fernando Simón had reactions on social networks, especially on Twitter where users left comments for all tastes:

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