The last episode of “Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo”, the Polish edition of “Tale Quali Show”, wanted to pay a great homage to Italian music by dedicating part of the challenge to some of the most popular Italian artists of the moment.
The winner was the actor Chris Cugowski, known for having participated in the TV series “Bridgerton”, which played Damiano dei Maneskin in their now iconic “Shut up and good”. Sung in almost perfect Italian, the performance not only convinced the jurors but collected a lot of shares, becoming viral all over the world.
The Maneskins were the only artists to have been honored during the episode. Basia Kurdej, Tomasz Ciachorowski and Robert Janowski also stood out in the race who interpreted Sugar, Eros Ramazzotti e Raffaella Carrà. Here are their interpretations: