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The IMF refuses to exempt Argentina from paying some of its debts

direct: The International Monetary Fund refused to exempt Argentina from repaying part of the $ 44 billion loan.

IMF members are currently meeting in the Argentine capital, Buenos Aires, until February 19 to attend a series of meetings with officials, amid discussions on debt restructuring.

“We strongly support this government’s commitment to stabilize the economy and return to growth,” the International Monetary Fund Director, Kristina Georgieva said on Sunday in an interview with Bloomberg Network.

Georgieva answered a question about the “deep debt restructuring” recently proposed by Argentine Economy Minister Martin Guzman in a speech to Congress, “It is the job of the government, not the IMF.”

“Georgieva” said that more time is required to obtain data on the sustainability of the country’s debt, noting that the IMF continues to support the government of Argentina in its efforts to resume economic growth.

Argentina is suffering from a downturn and an acceleration in inflation, amid concerns about its ability to pay off its external debt.

The International Monetary Fund expected that the global economy will grow this year at a lower rate than previously expected.

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