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the “illegal” Lamborghini is banned forever

It was too powerful, too extreme, too much… everything! This car has been completely banned from the streets of the United States which are also the home of excesses, think how exaggerated it could be… let’s find out why.

Lamborghini (web source)

It can happen that a supercar is judged not suitable for road traffic for a wide variety of reasons: to be able to drive in “civilian clothes” a car must comply with various regulations that may vary from country to country, for example it must be equipped with front and rear lights, a valid number plate, safety devices and so on.

It is not uncommon for the “civilian” version of a car originally created to race to be banned from road circulation because it does not meet some or even none of these specifications. The most recent and extreme case is that of Zenvo ST-1Danish supercar with over 1,000 horsepower that is not suitable for driving on the road first of all for its too high power, then for the too many decibels of noise emitted by the engine and for a series of reasons that you can imagine given its power!

Strosek diablo 18_07_2022 Quattromania
Spoiler: she has none of this (HotCars)

But the ST-1 isn’t the first car to be banned from the street “Normal” and it will certainly not be the last. We remember at least one striking case of a car made on the basis of a legendary Lamborghini which in the United States of all places was considered illegal and totally banned! Here is the story of the supercar that infuriated Americans.

Don’t let yourself be seen again

Produced in just under 3,000 units, the Lamborghini Diablo is one of those supercars that made the nineties a wonderful historical period for motor enthusiasts. The car capable of out-of-the-ordinary performance was capable of exceeding 320 kilometers per hour, a goal set by the design engineers, but the version made by the German tuner Vittorio Strosek – huge model enthusiast – it’s even worse!

Strosek he put his hands up on some Diablo by modifying them in a hellish way: the car has a completely revolutionized body kit but that’s not so much the factor that made it illegal in a country where you can buy assault rifles in the same place where you have breakfast before to go to work: the car’s engine, on which incredibly little information can be found, has been upgraded making the car simply too much for American roads.

Stros Pinterest 18_07_2022 Quattromania
Where did you put the mirrors, Vittorio? (Pinterest)

And then, do you notice anything? Yup, move the mirrors over there makes the car easy to distinguish from a regular Diablo. But the Strosek Diablo has a big problem because apparently the American equivalent of our Highway Code doesn’t think rearview mirrors of that type are regulatory. Take comfort, you can always drive it to another country …

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