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The IGPN seizes concerning police violence during the chaotic arrest of a minor in Blanc-Mesnil

An investigation into intentional violence by a person holding public authority was opened after the violent arrest of a minor in Blanc-Mesnil (Seine-Saint-Denis) last week, indicates the Bobigny prosecution, Thursday February 16.

The investigations were entrusted on February 9 to the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN), said the Bobigny prosecution.

This follows an intervention by a team of police officers in Blanc-Mesnil (Seine-Saint-Denis), on February 6. The police force must examine these images broadcast on social networks, = which report possible violence on the part of the police.

Monday, February 6, at 6 p.m., a group of several police officers entered a bakery in this town located northeast of Paris. They come to arrest a 17-year-old boy. According to a video posted on social networks, it does not oppose resistance. He receives at least five to six punches in the face by at least one of the eight officers present in the images. The young man “came out of his grandmother’s house while other young people stoned the police“, assured his lawyer Me Naïri Zadourian. “He walked alongside and had nothing to do with the story. He is physically very tall so you notice him among all the rest“, continues the lawyer.

The police start charging him. He then takes refuge in the bakery on the corner of his grandmother’s and is beaten up.“, laments his lawyer. “The acts of violence are quite clear. Again, luckily there is a video. He opposes no violence“, assures Mr. Zadourian. His client, placed in police custody for “violence against a person holding public authority with a weapon and in a meeting”, did not see any doctor when he “a coquard and bruises all over the body“, said the lawyer. She announced to file a complaint with the prosecutor of Bobigny.

A police source specifies that on February 6, the police had been “taken to task by around thirty young peoples “after an arrest for a refusal to comply on a motorcycle in Blanc-Mesnil. Three people had been arrested, including the perpetrator of this offense added this source. It does not specify whether it is the minor who received the punches.

The investigation should in particular attempt to identify all the agents, several of whom are wearing helmets, present on the videos. According to a source familiar with the matter, there are among them police officers from the Security and Intervention Company (CSI) and a brigade for the repression of motorized violent action (Brav-M).

Source: AFP

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