The Russian Orthodox are reexamining their position on in-vitro fertilization (IVF).
They published the document “Ethical Problems Associated with In-Vitro Fertilization”, ”to gather different voices on the subject until March 29.
In 2000, the Moscow Patriarchate produced a report calling all forms of in-vitro fertilization “morally inadmissible.” The new document claims that there have been “medical advances” since 2000.
The new report proposes leaving the discussion to use IVF at the discretion of the priest who knows the couple and their ability “to continue bearing the cross of childlessness.”
In medical terms, nothing has changed since 2000. Many children are “produced” by the procedure, perhaps one is born, which is a success rate of around 30%. The Russian Orthodox follow the state, which a year ago started financing artificial insemination.