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The IES Pablo Ruiz Picasso launches its own greenhouse

The voice

13:10 • 03 apr. 2021

The IES Pablo Ruiz Picasso of El Ejido launches a project to build your own greenhouse thanks to the Impulsa program of the Ministry of Education. For this reason, the delegate of Education and Sports of the Board in Almería, Antonio Jiménez Rosales, has visited the center accompanied by the head of the Educational Planning service, Matilde Romero Maldonado, the councilor M.ª Herminia Padial and the councilor for Education, Julia Ibáñez.

On this visit they have been accompanied by the director of the center, Manuel Esteban Linares, and the president of the AMPA, Fernando Ruiz, who have made known the 150m2 greenhouse project located in the facilities of the center itself.

Jiménez has valued the initiative of the IES Pablo Ruiz Picasso in this “ambitious project that has been possible thanks to the Impulsa program launched by the Ministry of Education, with the collaboration of the entire educational community and the El Ejido City Council”. The delegate also congratulated the teachers of the center and added that “this project is perfectly articulated for students to approach in a playful and practical way to the main economic activity of the municipality, thus trying to avoid school dropouts ”.

For his part, the director of the center has indicated: “We want to emphasize that our action aims to transcend the punctual and integrate permanently into ordinary functioning from the center, being one of its most important resources to serve not only students at risk of exclusion but also the entire educational community. Concerning, also, the entire municipality of El Ejido ”.

“We are convinced that social transformation will take place if we bring it closer to our students, and we enable them to be aware that they have the ability to be agents of that change that will ultimately be their own future ”, added Manuel Esteban.

Project details

From the direction of the IES Pablo Ruiz Picasso they have clarified that this project will be developed from the fundamental element of the area: greenhouse cultivation, putting into practice what is necessary to achieve it (sowing, irrigation, fertilization, harvesting, etc.), working with it sustainability and economic factors. We will also work on the dissemination and communication of the actions carried out, as well as the research and technology that surrounds our main source of wealth, which goes beyond the economic.

One of the main objectives set within this project is that the students of the center be able to understand it, value it and consider it as an option for professional development. This will be possible thanks to the collaboration of a large part of the social, economic and political agents in the area.

Finally, it is worth highlighting one of the activities framed within the Center’s Equality Plan, the creation of a space dedicated to women engaged in agriculture. In this way, the Pablo Ruiz Picasso students led by the ejido artist Nauni have made a colorful graffiti on one of the walls of the IES, under the slogan ‘Let’s take care of those who take care of us. To our country women. ‘ A tribute that makes visible rural women, who contribute decisively to the economic and social development of the municipality.

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