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The Identity of Anita Ferrari – Recalled by Her Daughter, Elena Di Cioccio

Anita Ferrari was the mother of Elena Di Cioccio, a figure that Elena holds in her heart with great love. Anita was also the manager of Franz di Cioccio of Pfm: she was born on August 5, 1949 and then took her own life on May 15, 2016. Her daughter remembers her in the book “Bad Blood” and also in Corriere, in Chiara Maffioletti: «Process the pain is not a sport for everyone and my mother had stratified a really large amount of sorrows, not processing them, in fact. In the end they took her away» said the actress, radio and TV presenter who recalled how her mother helped her get out of the cocaine tunnel “Yes, getting out of it was very tiring and I will thank my mother forever for making me feel the weight of what I was doing when he discovered me».

Remembrance on Facebook

On her birthday of the year in which she took her own life, August 5, 2016, Elena had dedicated a photo and a post are Facebook. “My Mum was a mosaic. She was a woman made up of many, many things, often very different from each other, but all equally crucial to describe her today” she wrote that day “Mum was made up of big dreams, brilliant intuitions, contradictions, utopias and a thousand concerns for herself and for others. She was indomitable and fragile at the same time, she was endowed with unique courage, strength and determination. Mom was a creative, passionate, fickle woman who lived with impetus every aspect of the world she had built for and with us”. Then a series of personal memories: “As soon as you distracted your attention, Mom would plant a geranium for you somewhere, adopt a dog or stock up on detergents ‘which don’t go bad.’ She was the queen of mayonnaise and homemade pizza, Russian salad, veal with tuna sauce, and apple pie…even if the latter sometimes didn’t cook well and got pissed off” Elena said before concluding “For some people it was incomprehensible And . But not for us. Mama was a lioness, sweet and terrible in equal measure, and we all, both of her families, loved her just as she was.”

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