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The Ida Business Club to better connect lawyers and entrepreneurs

On Thursday March 3, within the walls of the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Aix-en-Provence, the Institute of Business Law (IDA) of Aix Marseille University inaugurated the Ida Business Club with 300 participants from all walks of life, business leaders, elected officials, business and figures law professionals, students… For this first event, IDA received Matthieu Louvot, executive vice-president of programs at Airbus Helicopters. Gomet’ opens its columns to Isabelle Grossi and Claude-Albéric Maetz, directors ofInstitute of Business Law which explain why, 50 years after its foundation, IDA decided to create the Ida Business Club.

Isabelle Grossi co-director of the Institute of Business Law Photo IDA DR

To connect the Institute even more to the territory and to its living forces that are the companies of our metropolis, to welcome business leaders to the University through a unique place of exchange, such is the raison d’être of the Ida Business Club. We also want to transform. Not the University in which we work every day to modernize, evolve and adapt to the needs of economic players. But transform the image that companies and business leaders can sometimes have of it. All with a firm conviction: that of interaction, and even of the deep interdependence between business and lawthat of the profound interdependence between business leaders and lawyers.

Business leaders, we specialists in business law, need you! To open us up. To learn. Your expertise, your experience.

Tell us how you manage, why and how you recruit. Share with us the keys to anticipating and managing risks. Tell us how you stay on course in ever-changing environments. Entrust us with the doubts and loneliness of the entrepreneur. These moments of exchange allow us to get to know you better.

Claude-Albéric Maetz, co-director of IDA (Credit IDA)

We, business law lawyers, aspire to get to know you better in order to be there. Because you also need us:

  • What fundraising can do without expertise in financing law?
  • What new business can do without engineering in company law?
  • What innovation strategy, what protection of intangible assets can be envisaged without the assistance of intellectual property law?
  • What deal can be concluded calmly without contractual finesse?

And, finally, what risk – consubstantial term of the company and the entrepreneurial adventure – can be assessed and therefore controlled without lawyers. The answer is always the same: none. So, since we need each other, the Ida Business Club makes the following proposal to the economic actors of the territory.

  • Let’s identify the risks together.
  • Let’s anticipate the risks together.
  • Let’s speak, together, the language of action and efficiency at the service of companies.
  • Let’s regularly, together, take a little height to be even more efficient in the decisions of tomorrow.

These are the vocations of the Ida Business Club. Next meeting on June 2 at 6 p.m. around Cyril Vidal, founding president of Crosscall.

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