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The hunt for the Vice President

The claim

US Vice President Kamala Harris is the victim of disinformation campaigns. Absurd claims are being made, including that she wants to reduce the population or that her candidacy is invalid because of her origins.

Our conclusion

All claims are false. Harris has been the victim of fake news based on slip-ups and doctored photos. A close examination reveals the truth behind the defamatory rumors.

  • Claim about population: During a speech on climate protection, Harris makes a slip of the tongue that is mistakenly interpreted as an intention to reduce the population.
  • Manipulated photo: One photo allegedly shows Harris with Jeffrey Epstein. The photo is fake because Epstein is not visible in the original photo.
  • Gibberish video: A video of Harris speaking gibberish is doctored. The original video shows that her actual statements were completely different.
  • Candidacy claim: Rumors of her ineligibility to run are based on misinformation about her parents. Harris meets all constitutional requirements.

Evaluation: This disinformation is demonstrably false. The official transcript and verified image sources confirm the untruths of the claims.

In a world where information is shared in a split second, Kamala Harris, the first black and female Vice President of the USA, has found herself in the crosshairs of false reports. The claims that she wants to reduce the US population are particularly perfidious. But what is really behind them? A slip of the tongue during a speech on climate protection is being used by her opponents to spread a disgusting myth. But the official transcript from the White House shows clearly: Instead of “population”, Harris meant “pollution”. The speech itself also gives no reason for misinterpretation, as Harris repeatedly speaks of environmental pollution. Read our article about the disinformation about Kamala Harris HERE.

The hypocrisy of media manipulation

The same is true of a photo of Harris with the notorious sex offender Jeffrey Epstein A simple reverse search of the images shows that Epstein’s head was simply mounted in a picture of Harris and her husband. The original photo was taken in a completely different situation and time. The blatant forgery shows how easily manipulated images can be used to create false associations and damage people’s image.

Absurd videos and distorted statements

The absurdity knows no bounds as a doctored video of her seemingly speaking gibberish makes the rounds. The doctored clip puts words into her mouth that she never said and relies on edited audio that differs from the original. This distorted portrayal of Harris’ speech shows how disinformation tactics work to fuel confusion and misunderstanding.

False claims about the candidacy

Another attempt to discredit her is based on the claim that her background makes her unsuitable as a candidate for president. This is simply false and shows a disturbing lack of understanding of the US Constitution. She was born in the USA and meets all constitutional requirements for the office of President.

Conclusion: The power of facts

These events highlight the danger of disinformation in today’s media landscape. The spread of misinformation undermines the credibility of public figures and distracts from their actual political achievements. It is essential that facts are at the heart of reporting and that the public critically questions what is presented as truth. It is the responsibility of media and individuals to carefully distinguish between fact and fiction and to fight back against the spread of fake news.

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