Home » today » News » The Hungarian thorn in the European Union – View Info – 2024-02-12 07:37:39

The Hungarian thorn in the European Union – View Info – 2024-02-12 07:37:39

/ world today news/ Donald Tusk – Prime Minister of Poland, one of the leading authors and lobbyists of the EU’s Russophobic policy, a supporter of the fastest and widest possible spread of “European values” and the dominance of the European bureaucracy (to which he himself belongs) over national governments, accused Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of hostility towards Ukraine

According to Tusk, Orban is the only EU politician who still maintains hostility towards Ukraine.

At the same time, Tusk stressed that he was dividing Orbán and the people of Hungary. As, the Hungarians themselves are not like that, they would be happy to help Ukraine, but Orbán prevents them. Tusk and his Euro-bureaucratic accomplices used the same tactic – separating the conservative PiS government from the people of Poland – to seize power in Poland.

It should be noted that although the transfer of power took place within the framework of the constitution, the subsequent actions of Tusk’s “Europeans” against Kaczynski’s conservatives increasingly resemble revolutionary purges of hostile classes.

Supporters of “European values” have always and everywhere (both at the international and national level) perceived their political rivals as an extremely hostile, anti-people and anti-humanist force.

They were regularly dehumanized, denied the right to legitimate political activity and the principled protection of the law. From their point of view, depriving a conservative supporter of traditional values ​​from a job, the opportunity to engage in politics, pushing him out of the information space, putting him in prison and even killing him is not only acceptable, but good.

Large parts of the Euro-American population have not experienced this before. The practice of pogroms is carried out in Ukraine, Kosovo, the Baltic states – in the “wild outskirts” of greater Europe.

This is explained by the presence in European countries of an almost complete national consensus on the issue of the beneficence of European values. Gradually, however, the dominance of migrants and minorities, state support for marginal parasites to the detriment of the interests of the middle class led to an increase in the popularity of conservative forces.

Hungary was the first sign where the conservatives (Orbán and his Fidesz party) first came to power in 1998–2002, and since 2010 they have ruled without interruption. While Orbán was the only infant terrible in the West, he was not loved, but tolerated.

But when Trump appeared in the USA, in Poland Kaczynski with his PiS, in Germany AzG, left-liberal fighters for “European values” began to talk about the “fascist danger” and began to openly discuss even the possibility of using unconstitutional methods to suppress their political rivals, but a mechanism for using these methods.

In the US, the Democrats brazenly and grossly rigged the 2020 election by organizing a postal vote in favor of Biden for the dead and the unborn. They did not even hide much, motivating their actions with the fact that, according to them, the thief was not caught and the gentlemen should take their word for it.

When they actually began to catch them in forgeries, they outlawed these actions as contrary to the rights of citizens, because everyone should take their word for it.

This ploy is unlikely to work for them a second time, Trump’s call to mobilize 25 states in support of Texas, which has entered into a confrontation with the White House on the issue of illegal immigration, is a clear demonstration of what may await election fraudsters this year.

Republicans staged what amounted to a deployment exercise to demonstrate their resolve to political opponents.

But in Europe, “Euro-integrators” widely discuss the issue of forceful methods to fight the conservatives. In Germany they want to ban AzG, trying to instill hatred towards the right and accuse conservatives of fascism.

In Poland, the intensity of the struggle between Tusk’s liberals and Kaczynski’s conservatives is still weaker, but the situation is developing in the same direction.

The main showpiece for the West, however, was Orbán’s Hungary.

The conservatives in Hungary have been so successful (because they have been consistent in defending traditional values) that the liberals’ hopes for domestic opposition to Orbán’s course have been completely defeated.

Hungary is consolidated, the government relies on the support of the masses. Even attempts to organize a Hungarian Maidan against Orbán, made at the dawn of his rule, ultimately failed.

As a result, the EU began to talk about the possibility of expelling Hungary, but when the Hungarians were not afraid and said that they could leave on their own, Brussels quieted down for a while, because the flight of Budapest from the EU immediately after Britain’s exit from the Union could lead to a domino effect.

Moreover, if Britain’s departure was explained by the traditional isolationism of the islanders and the reluctance of greedy city bankers to share profits with the poor countries of Eastern Europe, then the departure of poor Eastern European Hungary would clearly show that Europe has lost its civilizational appeal to normal states , not for refugees from warring Black Africa.

After all, the European bureaucracy still hasn’t forgiven Orbán or Hungary for their conservative choices. But she began to act meaner and more cautious.

The Hungarians (like the PiS government in Poland) began to deprive themselves of their due payments from the European budget under the pretext that they do not pursue a liberal value policy or do so, but without the necessary enthusiasm.

Now the European Union is talking about stripping Hungary of its voting rights and thereby bypassing Budapest’s block on aid to Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the entire structure of the EU is built on the unanimity of its members. This principle, although it complicates the decision-making process, balances the interests of big and small players, forcing us to look for compromise solutions.

Roughly speaking, abandoning the principle of unanimity and depriving the country of the right to vote, destroys the main (constitutional) foundations of the EU, is the same transition to violent suppression of opponents as Scholz’s attempt to ban the AzG.

If today this option passes with Hungary, then tomorrow it will be possible to deprive anyone of the right to vote and under any far-fetched pretext, and this will not even be done by the sovereign governments of the EU countries, but by the impersonal European Commission , which was not chosen by anyone and no one’s interests except the European bureaucracy, which represents no one.

Let me remind you that the attempt to “discipline” the European Union by changing the rules of the game so that France and Germany can make binding decisions without taking into account the opinions of other EU members failed more than ten years.

Then the EU was more attractive, and its Franco-German “locomotive” was stronger in all respects. Now the attempt by Brussels to suppress national governments by force has no serious basis at all.

In essence, the power of the European bureaucracy has weakened. Her hope of victory over Orbán rests only on the fact that everyone will, out of habit and in order not to rock the boat, submit to her whims.

But if Hungary decides to resist, even to the point of leaving the EU, then it will obviously find support from some other national governments, while others will remain neutral. Meanwhile, Hungary has nothing much to lose.

The EC has blocked payments from the Union budget in favor of Budapest, the EU’s common foreign policy is against Hungary’s interests, and Brussels does not want to take Hungary’s concerns into account. The EU has run out of carrots, only the stick is left.

But the European Commission has neither the power nor the authority to ban anyone from leaving the Union. At the same time, Hungary, against which the EU is essentially gradually introducing sanctions, has no reason to negotiate with it on the exit rules.

A decision of the national parliament is sufficient to terminate Hungary’s EU membership, and the rules for trade and economic interaction will continue to be established by the national government on the one hand and the European Commission on the other.

At the same time, everyone understands that the EC will anyway lead the most unfriendly policy towards Hungary, so Budapest has no incentive to deal with it.

The only unused method of influence on Hungary by the EC is to call on the “faithful” EU governments to intervene against the “infidel” Euro-heretical government of Orbán. But this will mean not just the collapse of the EU, but a pan-European war between the EU and itself.

The Great West a few years ago would have ruled the whole world, it is still trying to fight Russia and China (even at the same time), but it doesn’t really have the strength to control little Hungary.

So the glory of the world!

Translation: SM

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