Home » News » The Hungarian shot was invented in Bari. Schianchi’s great inventions

The Hungarian shot was invented in Bari. Schianchi’s great inventions

A conclusion from the outside, particular, unstoppable: it all began in 1924, there was the Bari derby between Liberty and Ideale, and a boy called Janos…

Who invented the Hungarian shot? Where, when and why? And, above all, what is it? Questions that require you to go back in your memory. Far back, almost a century. Ninety-nine years old, to be precise. It was, in fact, in 1924, on an autumn day, that the Italians became acquainted with this strange exercise according to which the ball was not hit with the inside of the foot, nor even with the neck, but with the external part its. The author of the gesture was Janos Hajdu, a twenty-six year old Hungarian attacking midfielder, just signed by Liberty Bari. Given the origin of the inventor, the shot was named “Hungarian style”. The amazement of the audience, faced with Hajdu’s delicate touch, was immense.

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