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The Hungarian minister called on Jourová to resign

In an unusually sharp attack on the EU executive, Vargová called on Jourová to resign at a time when the commission is finalizing an assessment of the state of democracy in all countries.

The EU institutions have been conducting long-standing proceedings against Hungary for breaches of European values. Among other things, the Commission considers it problematic to reduce media pluralism or attacks on NGOs that help refugees. Jourová has previously said that developments in the field of justice and academic freedoms are also dangerous.

A sick democracy, Jour said. According to Varg, it is an insult

Orbán, who maintains close relations with, for example, the leaders of Russia or China, describes the political system promoted by his government as “illiberal democracy”. Instead, in an interview with the German magazine Der Spiegel on Friday, Jour said that Orbán was creating a “sick democracy”.

“No democratic institution should tolerate a leader who uses such insults as she does in talking to Spiegel,” Varg wrote on Twitter. According to her, Jourová must resign, because she insulted the Hungarians with a statement about a sick democracy and embarrassed the commission.

He rejects any criticism

The Hungarian Minister of Justice usually represents her country at hearings held by Jourová and other EU states in the course of the proceedings. In his speeches, he mostly refuses to acknowledge any arguments critical of the laws passed by the Hungarian Parliament and blames Brussels for the alleged bias.

The Commission is due to publish its first report in the coming weeks assessing the state of democracy and the rule of law in all Member States. Brussels is also pushing for respect for the rule of law to make the drawing of money from the future seven-year EU budget and the post-crisis assistance fund for economies affected by coronavirus restrictions as strict as possible. Hungary, together with Poland, is trying to weaken this connection as much as possible. The battle for its form can fundamentally speak until the final approval of the budget and the fund, which the member states would like to manage by the end of the year.

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