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The Human Planet: BBC Documentary Veteran Explores Self-Service Shopping in Romania

The BBC documentary veteran returns with a new series “Human Planet” on Netflix this time. Sequences from the first episode have already appeared on social networks, and so we can hear the soft and friendly voice of the legendary Attenborough telling us what two people are doing trying to pass their products through the self-service store.

“The male of the species frowns at the device trying to dominate it with his imposing figure. The hair on the back of the neck is falling out violently. Timidly, the female presses a few buttons. Then he offers the device the Lupark package offering, with a discount of 2 for the price of one and a half. The self-service house flashes an error. The male shows signs of impatience and emits the sounds specific to the species: “Listen, dear, I put my feet in them, because they only think about stealing. Well, I’m their employee?”. The female tries to calm him down by showing him that they also had three beers” is heard on the trailer of the documentary.

The filming of the documentary lasted almost four months and was done in several Kauflands in Romania, but also about two Carrefours, three Lidls and a Mega Image. Attenborough sat with his team usually behind the Ciucaș shelf for the offer, the one with a contest, where you can win a Duster or a dose of Ciucaș.

2023-10-27 11:57:51
#David #Attenborough #narrate #images #people #struggling #selfservice #house

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