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The Huelva Taxi Table addresses the needs of the sector

The Huelva Taxi Table addresses the needs of the sector

The mayor of Huelva, Gabriel Cruz, chaired the Taxi Table this Friday to address the needs of the sector, listen to their demands and convey “the support” of the City Council.

Among the initiatives addressed are the new round of license revocation that will be approved in the next municipal Government Board and the economic aid that is being outlined against the impact of the pandemic.

This has been announced in a call in which the councilor has been accompanied by the Councilor for Mobility and Citizen Security, Luis Albillo, the Association of Taxi Huelva Taxi Drivers, Tele Taxi Huelva and the UGT and CCOO unions.

The councilor thanked the taxi drivers for the effort they have made in this difficult year providing a public service, being available to citizens in the worst moments.

Likewise, it has offered its “support to this professional group, showing its willingness to meet their demands and proposals for the reactivation of the sector.”

This year six licenses will be withdrawn

«From the City Council we intervene in favor of the restructuring and viability of the service to adapt the offer to the demand, an objective that, at this rate of license revocation, we will achieve in a couple of years, reaching the appropriate ratio, established by Law in 1.45 autotaxi licenses for every thousand inhabitants ».

The objective, Cruz remarked, is “to help a sector in which, if the crisis of 2009 already made a big dent, the pandemic has worsened its situation. We must end a saturation of the offer that goes against the sustainability of this activity.

With the withdrawal of these licenses from the Huelva Taxi, 27 have been revoked in recent years in the city, with annual payments of 300,000 euros for compensation, “in compliance with the commitment made with the associations within the Taxi Table , and that was collected in an agreement of the Plenary unanimously, “recalled the mayor.

“The Consistory continues to respond to an old demand from Huelva taxi drivers, which had been postponed for almost a decade and which was resumed upon reaching the municipal government, carrying it out from a permanent dialogue with professionals in the sector.”

This measure is added, among others, to the reduction of taxi license granting and transmission fees, already promoted last year by the municipal government team, and which in some cases implies a reduction of more than 90 percent in the cost for taxi drivers.

The Huelva Taxi Table addresses the needs of the sector

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