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The Huayuan Night Market bought cakes and was scolded as “Broken X”.

Social Center / General Report

▲The public accused the Huayuan Night Market of buying strawberry tarts, but the proprietress of the vendor scolded them for “going to eat what the poor eat” and “broken X”. (Picture / recap from Broken News Commune)

On the evening of the fourth day of the 25th at the Huayuan Night Market in Tainan, a female netizen bought a strawberry tart from a strawberry cake vendor. She was kicked out by the proprietress and insulted by the proprietress for “going to eat the poor.” “What to eat” and “Broken X”. In this regard, the proprietress issued an article today (28) pointing out that because people smashed cakes at the stalls and asked for a refund, the current emotional control is not good enough to say ugly words, and the perception of insults is not good. Jia, she is deeply sorry and hopes to get the understanding of the person concerned.

On the 27th, the person concerned posted an article in “Breaking News Commune”, “Can’t you stand next to the booth after spending with you? See the next group of customers come and immediately turn around and drive them away? And say we are poor and can’t afford it? In the end, they scolded people! Looked down on people Said, “Go to Jiashan Jialang (go eat the food of the poor)”” The female netizen asked everyone to comment, “Who really has no quality?” She also posted an 8-second live video saying, “The person who shot the video “For the son of the store” was also uploaded to Douyin.

Posts and videos sparked heated discussions. The proprietress of the strawberry cake vendor posted today, “Thank you everyone for your criticism and advice. I have seen it, and I will humbly accept and review my words and deeds.” The vendor, at the beginning, the buyer finished his consumption, and a customer came in to see it. I asked the buyer to make way first. Maybe the buyer mistakenly thought that I was chasing her, so she threw the cake on my booth and said she wanted a refund (I I also quit her), I was irritated by improper emotional control at the moment, and it happened that no matter what the content of the video is, it is wrong to swear, but I have a deep self-criticism.

The proprietress said that relatives and friends accused her of saying “go to Jiashan Jialang (to eat the food of the poor)” which is not good. “I have also re-examined myself. I didn’t mean to despise anyone, but I said something that hurt others, for which I also apologize to those who heard or saw it.

The proprietress said that regardless of the cause and effect, it is wrong to swear by herself, and she hopes to get the understanding of the person concerned, “If she is willing, I hope to do public welfare in exchange for her forgiveness. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to this lady and others who caused uncomfortable feelings. Say sorry, I will review myself humbly, thank you everyone”; the Tainan City Police No. 5 Branch and the Wei Police Station pointed out that the two parties have not filed a complaint so far, and if there is a complaint, it will be accepted in accordance with the regulations.

The wife of the street vendor sent a long letter apologizing. She admits that she has poor emotional control, and hopes to get the understanding of the person concerned.  (Picture / recap from Broken News Commune)

▲The lady of the street vendor sent a long post apologizing. She admits that she has poor emotional control, and hopes to get the understanding of the person concerned. (Picture / recap from Broken News Commune)

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