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The HPV vaccine marks the way in the prevention and appearance of cancers and pre-cancers

The Human Papilloma Virus is considered the most common viral infection that is transmitted from person to person through direct contact with the skin during sexual activity and causes millions of new cases worldwide.

Since 2006, the US Food and Drug Administration has recommended the HPV vaccine for children ages 9 through young adults age 25. Now, he has expanded that age range to 45 years.

The HPV vaccine is designed to protect against the human papillomavirus, the virus primarily responsible for causing cervical cancer, as well as some other types of sexually transmitted cancers or precancers.

Below, Dr. Adria Suarez Mora, from the Cleveland Clinic, gives us a broad overview of the Human Papilloma Virus and the importance of vaccination to prevent this disease.

What is HPV?

A. HPV stands for Human Papillomavirus and it is a virus that is sexually transmitted and is very prevalent in the population. This means that almost all of us who have been involved in sexual activities at some point in our lives are going to be exposed. HPV or Papilloma Virus. That does not mean that this infection will continue in our body forever, most infections are more than 80%, the body only fights the infection, it is in the minority of people who have the infection that it can continue and cause problems in the future.

What time can pass between the sexual intercourse where the infection occurs and the papilloma test confirming that the person has been infected?

A. Good question, the papilloma virus is not like other infections that are sexually transmitted in which we have treatments or other measures to be able to detect the infection early, this virus only takes effect many years after the infection was acquired, because we do not have treatments for the infection, it is not a routine test in boys or young people who are sexually active, because in itself at that moment it does not matter if they have the infection or not, because most of these infections the body only is going to fight it, as I explained earlier, in the minority of people in whom the infection is still active, it can take years or decades since the infection was acquired to start noticing changes and it is detected in a test such as the Pap smear.

HPV is not a single virus, what kind of health problems or cancers does HPV infection cause?

A. HPV has different types of viruses under that term, currently we have identified high-risk ones that are sometimes more than thirty, but there are two very high-risk ones and then about ten that make the other part of the types of high risk, it depends on the type of virus is that we can see what problems can be had with this infection.

High-risk types of viruses can cause cancers in the body, these cancers can mostly involve the cervical, vaginal or vulvar tissues in the case of women, the virus can also be contracted by men, in the case of men can get cancer or precancers of the penis, in the same way the virus can infect other areas of the body such as the throat or mouth, areas that are very similar and skin tissues can be involved with HPV.

The other types of viruses that are not high risk for cancer can cause warts or other problems in the areas of women and men that are not related to cancer, but are benign conditions that can be treated.

Does the virus as such generate any type of symptoms or discomfort that can be an alarm signal?

A. Normally the infection itself has no symptoms unfortunately, symptoms only appear when the papillomavirus starts to cause some types of problems. If condylomas, itching or itching begin to be noticed, then it can be determined that they are caused by the papillomavirus. Likewise, with cancers, the virus alone will not present us with symptoms, but when it begins to cause changes in the cells that can become precancers or cancer of one of those organs, it is at that moment that we begin to present symptoms.

Further Reading

Medicine up to date

Medical societies invite authorities to work together for equitable vaccination

How important is the application of HPV vaccines and why?

A. The application of the HPV vaccine is of vital importance, the reason is very simple, this is one of the only vaccines that can fight all those cancers that I have already described in my field as a gynecological oncologist, where I specialize in cancers cervical, vulvar and vaginal.

In my field, this is the only way to prevent, not treat or treat early, “is to prevent our children from having problems with these types of cancers in the future”, we cannot say this about many vaccines, the vaccine against HPV, is very effective and safe, it has become one of the best ways to combat cervical cancer, which is often very difficult to treat.

What is the level of defenses generated by the HPV vaccine?

A. The vaccine is very effective, but it is more effective if it is given at a young age, this means that if we give the vaccine before a child or adolescent is exposed to HPV for the first time, it is much more effective than if the vaccine is applied after you have been exposed, because the defenses will no longer be the same due to the exposure and potency of the virus.

If the application of the vaccine is carried out before beginning sexual life, that is, before being exposed to the virus for the first time, the vaccine will have an effectiveness of 97 to 100%, this means that children and adolescents will never present cancer problems or precancers, caused by the Papilloma Virus.

If they have already been exposed in some way to some type of Papilloma Virus, but not all, the protection drops to 50 or 60%, it is still effective, but it is much more effective if it is applied at an early age.

At what age is it recommended to be vaccinated against HPV?

A. The most recommended thing is to vaccinate between the ages of 11 to 12 years, but you can start from 9 years of age, if you did not have the opportunity to get vaccinated at that age, it can be given up to 25 years of age, the vaccine is suitable for children, adolescents and young adults. As I explained earlier, the earlier the HPV vaccination process is started, the more protection a person will have because the vaccine will be more effective.

In some people, whether women or men, in a high-risk condition, that is, they have immune defenses or low for any reason and are exposed to HPV, the vaccine can be administered up to 45 years of age, but with the attenuating that it will not be as effective, but it may provide some protection against some type of HPV to which you have not been exposed.

Some studies have shown that in women with precancers, the HPV vaccine can help the immune system fight these and in the future help prevent further precancers.

How does HPV affect boys or men? Is it recommended that they also get vaccinated?

A. The HPV vaccine is recommended for both genders (boys and girls), for two reasons, the first is because it will protect them against the appearance of types of cancer that can be exposed, such as penile cancer. , mouth or throat, second if we vaccinate boys and girls we protect each other from transmitting the virus and having problems with the opposite sex.

Can an HPV positive woman or man be vaccinated?

A. Yes, it does not matter if you have been exposed to the HPV virus or not in the past, it is still known that there are benefits to being vaccinated, as we have mentioned before there are different types of HPV, even if you have been exposed to one or two types of viruses we can still protect these men and women from having problems with other types of HPV, there is evidence that the immune system can be helped to fight the Human Papilloma Virus if it reactivates in the body. It does not matter if you have been exposed to the virus in the past, if you are within the recommended age range or if you have problems with the immune system to be able to fight the Human Papillomavirus and are between 25 and 45 years of age. age it is still recommended to be vaccinated.

How can you contact a Cleveland Clinic doctor for advice on this issue?

A. At Cleveland Clinic, we have a group of gynecologists to treat this type of condition. In my case, I am a gynecologic oncologist and I am always available for virtual or face-to-face consultations to address these issues. If there are problems of oncological problems, precancers, cancers and women at high risk, we have a group of general gynecologists and experts in the field who will guide and recommend whether the decision to vaccinate is an effective option for the person.

Fuente. Cleveland Clinic 

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