Home » Health » The How and What of Dementia: Join the Braincafé on World Alzheimer’s Day!

The How and What of Dementia: Join the Braincafé on World Alzheimer’s Day!

On Wednesday 20 September, on ‘World Alzheimer’s Day’, the Braincafé will be over; ‘The How and What of Dementia’. Every day, 120 people in the Netherlands are diagnosed with dementia, which has a major impact on the person who receives the diagnosis, but also certainly on the environment! Miranda van Amersvoort explains what happens in the brain and nervous system in dementia, what types of dementia are there, how to deal with it? The free information session starts at 8:00 pm and lasts until 9:30 pm, after which there is an opportunity to talk to each other during the walk-in and in the foyer of ‘t Mozaïek, ‘the living room of Wijchen’.


From 19:00 there is an opportunity to enter into the library while enjoying a cup of coffee or tea to talk to each other. MeerVoormekaar, the welfare organization in Wijchen & Druten, will join this evening and tell about their local activities regarding dementia.

Sign up via bibliotheek-wijchen.nl.

Miranda van Amersvoort – Photo: Kim Brugman
2023-08-27 12:00:00
#brain #cafe #Dementia #Regio #Online

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