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The House of Representatives does not want energy labels for homes to become more expensive

Anyone who sells their house must provide the buyer with an energy label for the house. This way the buyer can see how energy-efficient the home is. Now you can still request it digitally and it costs less than ten euros. From January, an expert has to come by, and the energy label will cost an average of 190 euros.

One motion to postpone the introduction of the new label, minister Ollongren (Housing) ignored him. According to her, you can only give a reliable assessment of how energy-efficient a house is if an expert on the spot assesses the situation.

Tough expert

“The current label could be better”, admits VVD MP Koerhuis. “But no expensive expert has to come by for that. I want us to keep the cheap energy label.”

The VVD, together with CDA, has therefore come up with an amendment that ensures that people can continue to opt for the cheap, digital energy label. With the support of the PVV, 50Plus, Denk and a few smaller parties, this amendment can count on a majority.

Tubers for lemons

GroenLinks supports the cabinet. Member of Parliament Paul Smeulders is vehemently against what he calls the ‘do-it-yourself label’. “We really are the worst kid in class in Europe. We think a better label is important for the energy transition.”

The PvdA is also unwilling to continue with the old label. “Future buyers will be cheated if this proposal is accepted,” grumbles Member of Parliament Henk Nijboer. “Then it will turn out that they have sometimes bought tubers for lemons.”

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