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The House of Representatives does feel for an exception to the Orange corona measures

The KNVB football association has asked the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) whether an exception can be made for the quarantine measures for players who will play with Orange in the Nations League at the beginning of September.

The KNVB also wants that exception for the Orange Lionesses. They will play in and against Russia on September 18.

Exception position

Due to the exceptional position, the KNVB wants to prevent internationals who play for a foreign club in an area where code orange applies, from having to be quarantined upon arrival in the Netherlands. That would apply to Frenkie de Jong and Lieke Martens, for example. They both play for the Spanish FC Barcelona and there is currently code orange.

VVD MP Rudmer Heerema understands the football association’s request: “It is an exceptional situation. If the KNVB can guarantee the safety of players and staff by carrying out a lot of testing and other strict measures, then an exceptional position must concerns are possible. “

Strict conditions

SP member Maarten Hijink (SP) agrees: “As far as we are concerned, an exception can be made under strict conditions, such as frequent testing.”

Member of Parliament Antje Diertens (D66) would like to look at what is possible, “but drastic measures must be taken.” “I understand that this exception is made for top athletes in other UEFA countries, so it would be good if the cabinet contacted those other countries to see how they approach this. The same applies to this theme: level the playing field in the EU. At the same time, of course, safety comes first. “

CDA member Maurits von Martels is hesitant, but also understands the request: “It would be good to look at possible alternative solutions in a European context. Then I would like to look at what is possible.”

Closed hotels

The Ministry of VWS has announced that it is studying the KNVB’s request. The KNVB points out that the players will be tested extensively before and after matches and will also be isolated as much as possible by traveling with charter aircraft and staying in closed hotels.

In 30 of the 55 countries that are members of UEFA, the government has already pledged to relax quarantine rules for internationals. Most of the major football countries are included

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