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The house of celebrities: what did Natalia Alcocer say that made Brenda Zambrano so angry?

Natalia Alcocer and Brenda Zambrano continue to find everything on social media.

October 19, 2022 1:25 pm

Lately, the controversial discussions between former participants in the second season of the home of the famous they have generated a great scandal in social networks; of which they have been implicated Natalia Alcocer, Giulia Gama, Daniela Navarro and now Brenda Zambrano.

In short, everything went wild when Natalia Alcocer, also a former competitor of Survived Mexico, brand Rafael Nieves as a misogynist in the comments of a video showing Rafael arguing with one of his former classmates Exathlon Mexico.

Julia Gama’s response to Natalia Alcocer.

This caused that Giulia Gama, the wife of Rafael Nieves, he responded rather incisively to Natalia; it would also be added to the equation Daniela Navarro, who even ended up arguing with Natalia’s mother.

Daniella Navarro’s attack on Natalia.

However, a lot has been said in recent days about the tweets that Brenda Zambrano dedicated to Natalia, without knowing that he had already seriously offended Brenda On a TV show.

Natalia Alcocer will dedicate degrading messages to Brenda Zambrano.

Brenda Zambrano, influencer, youtuber and internet personality popularly known for his participation in reality shows Acapulco shore y the home of the famousyesterday, Tuesday October 19would do a series of tweets addressed to Natalia Alcocer who caused quite a ruckus on Twitter.

“Hey, Natalia Alcocer, have you eaten yet? Hahaha or are you seeing if you steal the husband of one of López Obrado’s sisters? “Were Brenda’s words.

Tweet by Brenda Zambrano.

However, this happened later Natalia will express herself extremely negatively about Brenda Zambrano in the television program dedicated to the news I don’t like gossip.

“¿Esa [Brenda Zambrano] what talent does he have or what does he do, or what has he done? ” Natalia said.

Natalia’s answer, of course, he was full of sarcasm; and when the driver I don’t like gossip told him that Brenda was one of the participants of Acapulco shoreNatalia took it upon herself to make disparaging remarks about Zambrano.

“Hi, no, what can I tell you? I’m going to Acapulco on vacation. Oh! I think that’s what lasted two weeks, right? It lasted eleven weeks, I don’t remember the one that came out the second week ”, concluded Natalia.

All of this offers a more complete picture of the issue and the audience of both Acapulco shore like it the home of the famous remains dividedas many agree with Brenda, while others remain on Natalia’s side.

Which side are you on?

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