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The hostels on the Camino de Santiago almost completely but with a capacity of 70% | Radio Pamplona

The Hostels on the Camino de Santiago as it passes through Navarra are almost complete “But it must be taken into account that the restrictions and the capacity to 70% diminish the recovery” says Marisol Goikoa of the Albergue La Real Colegiata de Roncesvalles. There are shelters that are 100% of the pilgrims that they can accommodate but many others, for example in the Baztán area, have not opened because their reduced capacity does not make them profitable “, Nieva Uriz, technician of the Government of Navarra in the area of ​​the Camino de Santiago.

Before the pandemic they passed through Navarra 65,000 pilgrims, who spent an average of 37 euros a day on averageData that is far from being achieved again, “since in summer on a normal day 400 pilgrims passed and now they do not reach 150”.

From the Government of Navarra, Nieva Uriz reflects “The direct and indirect economic importance of the road for Navarra, since in a normal year there were 19 million euros that had an impact on the community of accommodation, hospitality …”.

Likewise, the profile of the pilgrim has changed “now the national and European visitors stand out, they come from France, Belgium, Italy … the American visitor has been reduced and, at this moment, they hardly come from Asia”, Uriz.

In the pre-pandemic, the national percentage was 23% compared to 77% international, now 51% are national compared to 48% international.

president of the friends of the Camino de Santiago tells how the road is working again this summer and it is expected that in September good data will continue to be given but it is “It is impossible to make forecasts since the restrictions, the capacity and even the formula to travel in other countries influences too much”.

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