Home » today » Entertainment » The host of “Hell’s Kitchen” called the dish of the participant from Yantarny “terrible”

The host of “Hell’s Kitchen” called the dish of the participant from Yantarny “terrible”

In the first issue of the new season of Hell’s Kitchen 42-year-old resident of Yantarny Elmira Mamedova cooked an ostrich egg, angered the chief Konstantin Ivlev, but remained in the project of the TV channel “Friday”.

The chief decided to test the fighting spirit of the participants: “The nine circles of culinary hell are just beginning”… The cooks needed to collect the missing pieces of kitchen utensils hidden in the aquariums with insects, mice and snakes. Then the team ran through the corridor of fire and got to the set. Two participants were sent home. 20 people were allowed to the first test, including Elmira.

In the first task, you had to present your signature dish. According to Elmira, “preparation for the process has turned into bedlam.” She cooked pork liver with garlic and pepper.

I will try, but I can say that it is terrible. My almost mean man’s tear did not fall, “said the chief, spat out a piece and put Mamedova’s stake.

The second challenge required an hour to cook a restaurant dish using an unusual ingredient. Elmira got an ostrich egg. “I never cooked them” – the woman admitted.

Anfisa Chekhova was invited to the tasting. Elmira made an omelet with cherry tomatoes and parmesan and a light summer salad with green apples. She called it the village breakfast at the ostrich farm. They put a three for the dish. According to the results of the first graduation, Elmira remained a project.

Resident of Amber

Overcame drugs and became a cook: a resident of Yantarny became a participant in the “Hell’s Kitchen” on “Friday”

The first issue of the new season will be shown on Wednesday, August 19

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