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The Hospitals Syndicate condemns the attack on Ragheb Harb Hospital

The Hospital Syndicate in Lebanon issued a statement condemning “strongly the unjustified attack on Ragheb Harb Hospital in Toul – Nabatiyeh at dawn today on 3/12/2023, which led to the closure of its emergency department in front of patients after destroying most of the medical equipment and supplies in the department and the doctors and examination rooms.” “.

The Syndicate reiterated its appeal to “exclude the hospitals that are continuing their services during this economically and financially stressful stage, with all their medical, nursing and administrative staff, from all acts of violence and uncontrolled reactions, understanding the difficult living conditions that a large part of the Lebanese are going through, calling for ensuring the necessary protection for hospitals, prosecuting the aggressors and taking measures.” appropriate legal action against them in order to preserve the safety of patients and workers in the sector.”

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