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The hospital must find 300,000 euros to expand its parking lot

Since its opening a little over a year ago, in rue Simone Veil, hardly a month has gone by without mentioning the difficulties encountered by the new hospital in Maubeuge. Lack of space in the building, insufficient parking, lack of staff, delicate financial situation… The criticisms emerged during the demonstration organized on October 15 through the streets of the city, on the initiative of elected officials and trade union organizations.

A morning in which the medical community, with rare exceptions, did not participate, complaining some “slogans saying that you are in danger if you come to the Maubeuge hospital for treatment” indicates Dr. Magloire Gnansounou, chairman of the establishment’s medical commission. But basically,the idea of ​​saying that the state must invest more here than in other regions, we support it“.

The Nephrocare building acquired and refurbished

The message also seems to have been, at least in part, heard. Given that the Regional Health Agency has given its consent “to finance the purchase of the Néphrocare building of the polyclinic, as well as the development works”says Eric Girardier, director of the hospital. This investment, worth 2.5 million euros, works included, will make it possible to install the dental service and hospital administration, still today in the area of ​​the former boulevard Pasteur.

Everything should be finalized by the first half of 2024, therefore not immediately. And this move will only be temporary since in the long term a new building should be built on a one-hectare plot located between the hospital and the polyclinic, owned by the latter.

But faced with the absence of an agreement for the sale of the land, the hospital complex”prepares a file of declaration of public utility in view of an expropriation” continues the director. A process that will be long, at the end of which the construction of new administration rooms, day care centers and a boarding school will begin, as well as the construction of a new 200-space car park.

For parking, € 300,000 to find

No parking”we knew from the beginning of the new hospital project that it would not be big enough” acknowledges Eric Girardier, estimating the shortage at 250 seats. A development near the Budé constituency, once in discussions with the city, has finally been abandoned. Building a parking silo? “What was offered to us was not satisfactory from an architectural point of view. And it was very expensive, around 18,000 euros for the seat…” continues the director.

Pending the development of the new lot, another scenario was developed: transforming part of the green spaces – now used for wild parking – into parking lots. “We could make 150 seats there. It wouldn’t solve all the problems, but it would be a short-term solution.Eric Girardier soufflé.

However, he has to deal with another problem: this project would cost 300,000 euros, a figure that the hospital cannot put on the table due to its cash difficulties. And the director slips a message: “StIf we can help with this file…“.

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