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The hospital in a state of emergency – JHM

The Langres hospital is, this time, on the verge of rupture. Meeting on Friday, May 20, at the Maison des services Bel’air, the “Health equality in South-Haut-Marnais” steering committee put on the table a situation that is now extremely tense within the medical staff of the Langres establishment. As a reminder, this steering committee (Copil), set up under the aegis of the Territorial and Rural Balance Pole (PETR) of the Pays de Langres, brings together liberal doctors, hospitalists, elected officials and user representatives in order to carry out a coordinated and unitary reflection on the prospect of dismantling the Langres hospital, which is increasingly dreaded.

Several doctors are about to leave and have informed the hospital management. They are Drs Sylvie Machuca (biology), Emmanuelle Contal (internal medicine), Mathieu Alzingre (emergencies), Boubacar Diallo (coordinating health officer of the La Trincassaye nursing home), Marion Nouvel (pharmacy) and Vykitas Celkis ( pulmonology), who should therefore leave the establishment in the coming weeks. According to our information, other practitioners, particularly in medicine and in emergencies, are thinking about following the movement.

A critical situation

For the Copil, the reason for these departures is clear and clear. He attributes it in the first place to the deleterious climate of the moment, therefore to the discussions in progress, under the leadership of the Regional Health Agency (ARS), on the future reorganization of the hospital sector. With Chaumont in pole position to take the lion’s share. He also blames the joint management of the three hospitals of Chaumont, Langres and Bourbonne-les-Bains, inaccessible and silent, as was again the case on Thursday May 19, during the Chalindrey meeting. “In their eyes, we are pawns and the pawns have no state of mind”, launched, Friday evening, a health actor on the territory. “To hear you, the Langres hospital will be closed before the medical project is completed”, reacted, in an alarmist tone, Laurent Aubertot, vice-president of the PETR of the Pays de Langres.

Head of the emergency department, Dr. Vincent Escudier, for his part, estimated that the situation is indeed critical, “which I would not have said a few weeks ago. The summer is going to be terrible”. Some could console themselves by comparing themselves: in Bordeaux, the ninth largest city in France, the CHU has already had to close night emergencies lately…

N. C.

[email protected]

New call for demonstrations

Like jhm daily had already indicated, a new demonstration for the defense of equality of care in South-Haut-Marne is in the starting blocks, carried by the Copil “Health equality”. This new event is scheduled for Saturday, June 11. As a reminder, a first mobilization, last February, brought more than 1,200 people to the streets, a historic occurrence for the Langres sub-prefecture.

Previously, the Copil wishes to organize a new public meeting. The meeting is fixed at the municipal theater Michel-Humbert, Wednesday 1is June, at 8.30 p.m. Doctors, elected officials and representatives of health care users will take stock of the situation and the announcements that are looming from September. As it stands, and while the workshops offered by the Regional Health Agency (ARS) are still presented as a “masquerade” by the actors of the South-Haut-Marne, there are fears of a general repatriation to the future hospital of Chaumont (common surgical technical platform, medical services, laboratory, leaving Langres only one Ehpad and a 28-bed service for follow-up care and rehabilitation).

Health. Meeting on Friday 20 May, the “Health equality” steering committee in South-Haut-Marne revealed an increasingly precarious situation within the staff of the Langres hospital. Tired of the situation, several doctors are about to leave. Many services are under pressure.

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