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Transmission in the West
Two retractable poles in The Hague, known as “horror polers”, are temporarily going out again. Even the latest measures taken by the municipality to prevent motorists from colliding with the mobile bollards do not seem to be effective enough: in recent weeks, cars have collided again with the bollards, reports Transmission in the West.
The poles, which automatically sink into the ground for public buses and emergency services, were placed by the municipality in June 2021 in Escamplaan near Haga hospital. It regularly happens that cars drive behind such a bus or emergency service and the pole rises before they pass it.
Dozens of cars have crashed into it since the poles were installed. Measures such as warning signs and traffic controllers didn’t seem to prevent accidents.
Poles turned off for a longer period of time
After more than fifty collisions Last fall, the municipality decided to remove the bollards temporarily out of service and take further measures. For example, a green coating was applied to the road surface at the head of the bus lane with the word “bus” printed on it.
After the adjustments, the bollards were turned back on, but the interventions did not have the desired effect. Council has now decided to switch off the bollards for a longer period of time and look for a better solution, a council spokesman told Omroep West. It’s unclear how long the posts will be out.