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The Horror of COVID-19 Sufferers Chased When Searching for Oxygen Tubes


Request oxygen gas cylinder increased after the spike in COVID-19 occurred, as a result, the oxygen gas cylinder market experienced a shortage. With these conditions, some COVID-19 survivors have difficulty in handling and recovering.

To detik.com, Caca (27) a resident of Bekasi told about the difficulty of finding oxygen gas cylinders for his co-workers who were detected positive for COVID-19. It was so difficult, they divided the team to find oxygen gas cylinder at the Pramuka Market as a central medical device in East Jakarta and in the South Tangerang area.

However, the efforts made by Caca until this afternoon did not produce results. “The plan is that I still want to look for more, I don’t know where to look because this is already a very central center for medical equipment. There are no more here, I still hope that other pharmacies still have them,” said Caca when he met around the market. East Jakarta Scouts, Saturday (26/6/2021).

He said, initially the boss at his workplace had experienced symptoms, then after undergoing a PCR test the results were positive. Furthermore, testing was continued for all employees.

“Until now, our friends at the office have had PCR too, some of them were positive too. Yesterday my boss received treatment from the medical team but was not treated at the hospital, only isoman at home. Because it is still possible to do it at home,” he continued.

However, after undergoing self-isolation, this morning other symptoms began to appear, such as loss of smell and breath. The doctor was also said to have suggested using a breathing apparatus, unfortunately the availability at the hospital was minimal.

“Well, because the availability of oxygen was minimal, we finally helped look for it. Today, it seems that we should have started being treated at the hospital. I’ve just tried to call various hospitals that are handling Covid, indeed they refuse to have a referral from the puskesmas, while there is no referral from the hospital,” he said.

“Now the condition is short of breath, so we are looking for a hospital that can accept it. Because of shortness of breath and there is no oxygen,” continued Caca.

He said that he was worried about being exposed to COVID-19 but with the implementation of strict health protocols and vitamin intake, he was sure his body’s immunity would be built. “We can’t bear to see our friends get hit. So healthy people try to help others,” he said.

Responding to the rare phenomenon of oxygen gas cylinders, Caca hopes that the government can immediately find a solution. “Should have anticipated from the month before Ramadan, there seems to be another spike. More attention should be paid to the medical equipment as well,” he added.

“So if you already know and can analyze, you can prepare for more procurements. Like last year, masks were rare, masks have subsided and now oxygen tubeYes, because there was a spike this year, which was higher than last year,” he concluded.


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