The horrible end of a young man found in the stomach of a python. He had disappeared from circulation, then unfortunately the reason for his disappearance was discovered.
Found in the stomach of a python: it is the dramatic and terrible fate of a young man of whom nothing more was heard. Pythons are among the most fearsome predators existing on our planet and they strike relentlessly. The attack of one of these snakes that can reach enormous dimensions can be sudden, and when this happens, there is nothing to do for the victim chosen by the fearful reptile. Also because it is almost impossible to free yourself from its enveloping grip.
A royal python (Photo from Canva) –
And unfortunately this must have thought the boy found in the stomach of a python, during his last seconds of life. The largest python specimens can reach the 9 meters in length and more than 140 kilos in weight. If one of these beings were to surround us, it would first of all begin to immobilize us, preventing us from using both our legs and arms. And in any case it would not give us time, since this grip exerts a grip capable of causing death by cardiac arrest.
Found in the stomach of a python, the horrible end of a boy
A gigantic python coiled up on itself (Photo from Canva) –
It is commonly thought that the grip of a python kills because it causes suffocation, but it doesn’t. The muscle force he manages to exert literally blocks blood circulation and the heart. And the police officers who preside over it the village of Salubiro, Indonesia, more specifically on the island of Sulawesi, they have no doubts. The young local found in the stomach of a python, a 25-year-old, must have died in just this way. So the huge snake was able to swallow this young adult human in one fell swoop. And it’s not the first time something like this has happened.
Some residents of the village noticed the presence of the python, which was unusually swollen, and they understood that the animal must have eaten recently. Digestion had not been carried out because the python had died in the meantime. The fact is that these individuals have seen fit to open the body of the python to see what it had swallowed. The usual diet of this predator includes monkeys and small pigs, but the larger specimens can even eat deer and antelope in one fell swoop.
The unusual attack of the snake on its victim
A reticulated python (Photo from Canva) –
To their surprise and above all horror, the men discovered the body of a certain Akbar, who worked in the palm oil plantations that arise in the place. The story dates back to the end of March 2017, after Akbar had been missing for about seven days. The first things to emerge from the dead and disemboweled snake were the man’s legs and a boot.
However, there is a particularity that distinguishes the attack suffered by the unfortunate victim. It is thought that he was attacked from behind and suddenly by the snake, since he had a conspicuous wound on his back. Wound inflicted by the sharp teeth of the python, who can also choose this attack mode as a surprise effect. However, it must be said that it is unusual for a snake, however large, to attack a man.
2023-08-13 21:17:24
#news #stomach #python