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The horoscope for August 15, 2020

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Born at the end of March, there will be some among you who might ask questions, someone from the past, an ex. having resurfaced. Suddenly, you are confused. But this is apparently only a moment, and only a few might be tempted to put the cover back. Now is that a good idea?


No clouds in your sky, especially if you were born in April and early May. An unexpected visit or a trip that makes you happy are on the menu. Maybe it’s the end of the holidays and you are happy to return to your home? Or it’s the visit of one of your children that makes you happy.


Everything will tempt you today, you will want to indulge yourself as much as to offer small gifts to your loved ones. But put yourself some limits! With you, there may not be any because you are totally invested in the present moment, the future he can wait …


The Moon and Venus meet in your 1st decan, under the mischievous gaze of Uranus. There could be some new things happening in your love life. Together, you could have a new experience, for example. Single, a surprise meeting cannot be ruled out.


Rest this weekend, don’t force yourself, and if you are from the 3rd decan, avoid getting angry, it’s tiring for you and for others. It seems that one of your wishes is not being respected and it makes you angry. For now, there is a blockage, be patient …


A very nice weekend, especially 1st decan today. Moon and Venus meet and love could appear in amazing ways. I remind you that Uranus is getting involved and that it is the planet of the unexpected. But it also represents your hopes, so one of them could come true.


The beautiful Moon / Venus conjunction is at the zenith for the 1st decan, you will feel relieved of your usual obligations and the day will be unusual. 3rd decan, Mercury and Mars start a good aspect, favorable to the little strokes of luck and the help that you may need.


You too are going to love this Saturday, especially if you are October. You could see one of your relatives who lives far from you, you will be delighted. Unless you take a vacation late, or on the contrary you go home and are happy with it.


Leave your metaphysical problems in a drawer and clear your head by contemplating landscapes that will make you dream, actually or virtually. You are not usually a dreamer, you are rather idealistic, but it seems that dreaming, imagining, projecting yourself elsewhere will do you good.


It’s a good day, excellent even, for those born in December. The favorites are on the program, and yet it’s not really your genre. Usually you need time to get to know the other person well, but then it turns out that you will be immediately won over.


A lonely August 15? If so, it looks like you won’t be bored. You will tinker, work if necessary, in short you will be busy. But if you are not alone, try to be kind to those close to you: your critical thinking may be a little exaggerated today.


Born in February, you too have the right to a beautiful weekend, your ego will be flattered by the admiring look that others, and your loved ones will have on you. You will have nothing to do with it, you will emerge from the seduction and the others will be sensitive to it, whatever your age. We can please all ages!

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