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The horoscope for all the signs of the zodiac today is Monday, June 29th. Horoscope | News Ufa

Today, June 29, horoscope stars promise to give you an amazing feeling of emotional lightness. Try to keep this feeling in yourself until the evening. A more accurate forecast for the next 24 hours for representatives of different signs of the zodiac in our traditional rubric “Horoscope” from HorObzor.ru.


Aries does not hurt to make decisions a little faster. The day will provide him with many happy chances both in business and in love.


Taurus will more than ever have a chance and mood to spend her money really well. Things will be really necessary, but in terms of price and quality – just perfect.


Twins will more than once get the opportunity to show off their talents, showing themselves in the most favorable light. Another thing is that it is not worth it to go too far.


Cancer is unlikely to resist the temptation to buy some new trinket in the house. If you do not want to become a victim of active shopping, do not pay attention to advertising.


The only thing that can prevent Leo from realizing his plans is his own disorganization. It will now and then confuse the cards not only to himself, but also to those around him.


Virgo does not bother to look closely at her feet, because the probability of finding money on the road is very high. However, money is waiting for her not only under her feet.


Nothing is as contraindicated to Libra as shopping. An innocent, it would seem, shopping trip on this day can turn into an impressive hole in the budget.


Scorpio will feel a clear lack of initiative. Whatever goals he set for himself that day, his hands may still not reach their realization.


Sagittarius’s emotions will finally break free. Be careful: feelings on this day may well turn your head.


Capricorn may have unplanned acquisitions and expenses. However, do not be afraid of it – the stars will help thoughtfully approach the issue of financial spending.


Aquarius himself must become the blacksmith of his happiness. And not only his own – those around him that day will be drawn to him.


Pisces has every chance to achieve what he wants – whatever they wish. Well, having achieved, Pisces will not let it out of his tenacious hands.

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