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The ‘honeymoon’ of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry ended in the United States | Royal

The GB News host said the Duke and Duchess of Sussex had the advantage of being able to tell their side of the story first after crossing the pond. But Farage added that he may see American commentators “get very bored” by the couple, who gave up their royal duties last year to start a new life in California.

Farage, who has a prime time show on GB News, told Express.co.uk: “Meghan and Harry had the advantage of moving because they were able to put their side of the discussion before anyone else.

“But little by little, I can see that even the American commentators are getting very bored with them, so I think their honeymoon is over.”

Farage’s comments come after a recent YouGov poll suggested the Sussexes’ popularity in the UK continues to decline.

Of the poll, the GB News host said: “That’s right and how it should be.

“America is a little behind, but Americans are starting to see it.”

A poll of 1,667 British adults conducted Aug. 27-29 showed that positive opinion of Harry has dropped nine points since April from 43 percent to 34 percent.

The poll found that positive opinion about Meghan has also plummeted from 29 percent in April to 26 percent.

READ MORE: What are you talking about? Prince Harry devastated by his last speech

However, the Royal Family made it clear that they disagreed with all versions of the Sussex events.

A statement issued by Buckingham Palace after the interview said that “memories may vary.”

Harry and Meghan resigned as members of the royal family in March 2020 and now live in Montecito.

Last month, they shared their anguish over the state of the “exceptionally fragile” world in a statement on their Archewell website.

In the statement, the couple said they have been “speechless” by the crisis in Afghanistan.

They also addressed the Covid pandemic in the lengthy statement.

‘This Article may contain information published by third parties, some details of this article were extracted from the following source: www.express.co.uk’


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