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The holiday season arrived in New York

The holiday season arrived in New York

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Despite the protests and discussions as a result of the electoral contest, the escalation of COVID-19 cases in the United States, and the announcements about possible vaccines, the most traditional shops and spaces in New York are already throbbing the Christmas season. An example is the Rockefeller Center where the central square received the iconic tree to celebrate the holidays, but this time with distance. (GF)

Dafiti will launch logistics center

Online merchants continue to expand their operations as demand grows. Under this scenario, today Dafiti will launch the largest fashion logistics center in Colombia and one of the largest in the region, with the capacity to store more than 2.5 million units for 1,000 brands that use the platform. (LM)

TPaga get your debit card ready

Recently, in the local market there has been the launch of several debit and credit cards from various fintech companies. The one that is now going to join this wave is Tpaga. Its CEO and co-founder, Andrés Gutiérrez, even did a survey on LinkedIn to ask Internet users to help them decide between a white and a blue design for the plastic that will be released “very soon,” according to Gutiérrez. (MC)

The new app in the world of fashion

Latin American Fashion Summit (Lafs) has just created an application called Tribu, which, through memberships, creates connections with contacts in the world of fashion. The app was given the task of creating a directory organized by expertise, interest and location of its members, as well as an educational and professional offer provided by industry experts through webinars and workshops. (TA)

100,000 guardianships arrived online

In the first three months of the implementation of the electronic referral of guardianships by the Constitutional Court, led by Alberto Rojas Ríos, more than 100,000 of these actions have been received in the midst of the pandemic derived from covid-19. This, according to the Corporation, represents a savings of more than $ 1 billion. (NC)

One more player in the market

The Spanish Óptima Mayores enters the Colombian market after the association with the Colombian Stegi SAS This European company is one of the leaders in the Equity Release Products market, such as Reverse Mortgage models, as well as Real Estate Life Income for the niche of the Elderly. The Spanish group has more than 15 years of experience and has advised more than 20,000 clients. (VP)

Bezos and the drug business

For billionaire Jeff Bezos (1964) it seems that nothing is enough, and now in addition to being the king of e-commerce deliveries, he launched a new business, Amazon Pharmacy, a section of his retail website and mobile application that allows people request medications. This prescription drug industry moves close to US $ 4 billion a year. (MR)

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