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The Holiday Hangover: Dealing with Post-Vacation Motivation Dip in the Workplace

For many people, a holiday is the way to recharge the battery. After a well-deserved period of rest, employees can often get back to work. At least, that’s the idea. Yet there are also employees who return after the holidays with a dip in motivation.

If you are not eager to get back to work at the end of the holiday, then you are definitely not alone. Many employees experience stress reluctance or lack of motivation to return to work.

From one investigation Reed shows that no fewer than 52 percent of workers are considering changing jobs after the holidays and 78 percent of respondents experience stress about getting back to work.

Normalize the motivation dip

Holidays are important for the working atmosphere and motivation of employees, says recruitment agency Robert Half. The prospect of a holiday often gives employees that final push to do everything they can before it is time to relax. According to them, it is easy to explain why it is difficult to find your way again after the holidays.

The causes

Many employees look for a new environment during a holiday period. This gives you all kinds of new impressions, while when you return home the days often look the same again. The usual routine resumes and the holidays seem to fly by.

On top of that, many employees have a lot of work waiting for them when they return. A full mailbox and all kinds of developments that you have completely missed are not unusual. And those piled up tasks are of course not a pleasant introduction. In addition, there is a good chance that some colleagues are still on leave, so you may also be expected to take over tasks from others.

Whatever your working day looks like: the difference between vacation and work is like night and day for many employees. You are no longer used to the work rhythm and you may feel as if you are short of hands.

Prevention is better than cure

The dip in motivation is not without risks – for both employer and employee. For example, employees may feel less connected to the organization and we all know: in the current labor market, a job with a competitor is up for grabs.

A tip according to the recruitment experts? Prevention is better than cure; It is best to combat the holiday blues preventively. This starts, for example, with a feasible holiday schedule, so that the workload is not too high despite the absence of colleagues.

A healthy occupancy during the holiday period is not only beneficial for holidaymakers, but also for those who stay behind. Those left behind can keep an eye on things and, if necessary, subdivide tasks for colleagues. This way, vacationers don’t return to a place with a huge pile of overdue work. Have the most important tasks been picked up and completed during their absence? Then they can start with a relatively clean slate when they return.

Evaluate and give each other time

It is a good idea to schedule an evaluation moment after the holiday period. This way you can immediately talk about motivation and when we return after a holiday, you often have a fresh perspective on projects, for example.

Giving employees space to express new ideas after a holiday period increases involvement and motivation. Finally: give each other time to slowly get used to the work rhythm again.

2023-09-09 08:02:00
#Motivation #dip #holiday #employees #changing #jobs

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