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The hoax of blood donations: that of the vaccinated coagulates… and the cows fly

They say he rumor, more false than a thirty euro bill, emerged in Argentina. But, you know, the speed with which the fake news (fake news) through social networks is a lot. And if they have an audience eager to give them more credit than they would have under normal conditions, their speed of propagation increases exponentially.

The rumor was that the blood of people who have been vaccinated against covid-19 coagulates faster than that of those who have not been inoculated with the drug against SARS-CoV-2.

Thus, while normal coagulation, because all human blood coagulates, would take about thirty minutes, the blood of a vaccinated person would do so in just thirty seconds.

This speed caused by some of the vaccine components, as defended by those opposed to these drugs, would make it useless for donations of plasma and platelets so essential for the surgical activity of hospitals that save countless lives every day.

Is lie has been “bought” by some horny minds who see in the entire current situation a global conspiracy so that people get vaccinated without real need for dark and never fully argued reasons.

From the Banc de Sang i Teixits de les Illes Balears (BSTIB) they reveal that they were aware of this false rumor and do not believe that it has affected them and has caused a lower influx of donors.

“Virtually everyone who comes to donate blood is vaccinated and we have had no calls to cancel appointments. In fact, we made an appeal because our reserves decreased with the expansion of the omicron variant and the donors responded extremely well, ”they explained from the institution in charge of nourishing plasma and platelets to hospitals in this community.

Manager of the Banc de Sang: “We would have been the first to report it”

Ismael Gutiérrez, manager of the Banc de Sang i Teixits de Balears, does not believe all this commotion mounted on social networks around some supposed effects of the covid-19 vaccine on the blood that circulates through our veins and that the would make it useless for altruistic and solidarity donations that save lives. “Blood donation has nothing to do with vaccination against covid-19. And if it interfered in any way, we would be the first to report it because our job is to collect these donations, “Gutiérrez is revolted, recalling that real factors such as the omicron have already caused a drop in donations.

Two thousand donors less per year

“We have even noticed an increase in donors in recent weeks,” they counter from the Banc de Sang, admitting that in these two years of pandemic they will have lost an average of about two thousand donors per season, they calculate.

“Compared to the four thousand or four thousand five hundred donors that we had on average before the pandemic, last year only about 2,200 donated their blood to us,” they revealed, explaining that at the beginning of this endless health crisis they did give priority to donations from the regular donors over new ones for prevention reasons.

twenty four hours later

The managing director of the Banc de Sang, Ismael Gutiérrez, stresses that there is no scientific evidence behind the messages that ensure that the blood of the vaccinated coagulates irregularly.. “So everything else is just smoke. The donor can receive these messages and give them credit or call us so that we can inform them rigorously”, the manager differentiates what, in his opinion, would be the most responsible attitude.

«Blood donation has nothing to do with vaccination against covid-19. And if it interfered in any way, we would be the first to report it because our job is to collect these donations.”, Gutiérrez is upset, remembering that real factors such as the omicron have already caused a decrease in donations

“A vaccinated person can donate blood just twenty-four hours after the inoculation of the drug,” encourages Gutiérrez consoling himself in a circumstance that is very clear to him: that the vast majority of blood donors are “sensible and normal” people.


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