The author recently signed another comic strip on the history of General de Sonis (©Laurent Rebours)
All his achievements are obviously close to his heart, but obviously this one, Chartres, history of a cathedralis certainly to be placed on the highest step.
Because it evokes his city of heart, because it traces the genesis of a building with historical, symbolic and mystical global significance, because it is the first time that he has tackled this subject.
Jean-François Vivier, in fifty-six pages, immerses the reader in the origins of the cathedral, in the Carolingian period, in particular with the gift of Charles the Bald of Veil of the Virgin making Chartres a first-class sanctuary.
This part was quite a lot of research because there are very few documents and we had to be as plausible as possible. I looked through quite a few history books until the first fire.
The 1000 years of the crypt in 2024